Tanya Andrusieczko was the Editor of Briarpatch Magazine from 2015 to 2018.

  • Magazine

    Collective Power in Momentous Struggles

    The stories in this issue are a reminder of the collective power that can be exerted when communities are invited to join in struggles.

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    Capturing the long arc of struggle and resilience

    The stories in this issue embody the continuity of struggles past.

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    Writing For These Times

    An exclusive interview with this year’s Writing in the Margins contest judges, Janet Rogers and Fathima Cader.

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    Building Power in the Face of Austerity

    Even with Brad Wall’s resignation, we’re not out of the woods when it comes to trouncing austerity.

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    Not Here To Party: Canada 150 Confronted

    A Canada 150 intervention. Letter from the Editor.

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    Briarpatch’s Growth Spurt

    When you see the path ahead…

  • Magazine

    What’s Behind the Sweet Tweets

    Lofty language won’t get us closer to justice.

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    Feet to the Flame

    Introducing the January/February 2017 issue.

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    An Interview with Richard Van Camp

    Catch up with Richard Van Camp, our creative non-fiction judge in the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    Marx Was Right

    Marx predicted that capitalists will always try to push down wages and undercut working conditions. He was right, and the working class can push back if it builds power broadly and intersectionally.

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    Writing Across Borders

    Briarpatch editor Tanya Andrusieczko caught up with our sixth annual writing contest judges to talk history, habits, politics, and writing.

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    Extractive Logics

    The capitalist extractive industrial logic sees water and land as collateral. In social justice logic, water and land are life.

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    You Know Something I Don’t Know

    How can social movements draw on established resources and on the wisdom of their members to propel an ethical redistribution of power?

  • Magazine

    On Notice

    If we were to place the stories of the Black Lives Matter Toronto resistance and the Panama Papers leak in a Venn diagram, the overlapping space would highlight that capital depends on white supremacy and the justification of racism.

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    A Magazine Against Borders

    All borders rely on violence.

  • Magazine

    To Be in a Tough Crunch

    Labour never builds alone.