• Magazine

    On creativity and commerce

    How do we avoid a world in which human creativity and knowledge becomes just another occasion for commerce?

  • Magazine

    Art against colonialism

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 10th annual Writing In The Margins contest: Larissa Lai, Pat Kane, and Sonnet L’Abbé.

  • The space to tell stories

    Since the Sask Party cut a key film tax credit in 2012, a lot of ink has been spilled about the film industry’s decline. But after the tax credit was cut, there’s been a groundswell of cinema by Indigenous women in Saskatchewan. How did this happen, and what can we learn about building a strong and just film industry?

  • Magazine

    Revolutionary dreamwork

    Today’s left wins when we challenge the right’s cruel and exclusionary imagination with more just, more beautiful world-making projects of our own.

  • Magazine

    INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE at the Winnipeg Art Gallery

    The largest contemporary Indigenous art exhibition in the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s history, INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE is framed as an act of rebellion and a revitalization of Indigenous culture that challenges dominant Western methods of artmaking and presentation.

  • Magazine

    The Wobbly Print Project

    Artist Dylan Miner has set out to reproduce and digitize the prodigious art of the Industrial Workers of the World.

  • Magazine

    The Queer Film Festival Quandary

    Queer film festivals on the Canadian Prairies are being squeezed: facing scarce funding and pressures to grow, many are turning to big corporations for funding. But what happens to anti-oppressive queer politics when the purse strings are held by capitalist interests?

  • Magazine

    Fierce Existence & Resistance

    An interview with Brown, Black & Fierce

  • Magazine

    Printmaking radicalism

    Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative is a continental network of artists committed to making print and design that reflects, builds, and sustains the aspirations of radical social movements. With two dozen artists from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Justseeds is a worker-owned co-op where the sensibilities of individual artists coalesce in shared objectives.

    Justseeds artists produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles, work collaboratively both in and out of the co-op, build large installations in galleries, and wheat-paste in the streets – all while offering each other daily support as allies and friends. Justseeds artists Erik Ruin and Meredith Stern spoke with Briarpatch about aesthetics and politics, empathy and influence.