• Magazine

    On creativity and commerce

    How do we avoid a world in which human creativity and knowledge becomes just another occasion for commerce?

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    Revolutionary dreamwork

    Today’s left wins when we challenge the right’s cruel and exclusionary imagination with more just, more beautiful world-making projects of our own.

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    INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE at the Winnipeg Art Gallery

    The largest contemporary Indigenous art exhibition in the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s history, INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE is framed as an act of rebellion and a revitalization of Indigenous culture that challenges dominant Western methods of artmaking and presentation.

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    The Wobbly Print Project

    Artist Dylan Miner has set out to reproduce and digitize the prodigious art of the Industrial Workers of the World.

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    Talkin’ Back to Johnny Mac

    Bicentennial celebrations for Canada’s first prime minister are being met with artistic interventions.

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    Art and the ones missing

    In China and in Canada, artists are finding powerful new ways to commemorate the victims of ongoing government policies and inaction, to honour the dead and the missing, and to call for accountability.

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    Letter from the editor

    The primacy of place and, more pointedly, an essential relation to the land is largely absent from the aesthetic theories of those in the modernist and Marxist traditions. In a settler-colonial society, such abstract sensibilities are untenable.

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    Art and identity

    Montreal-based Iraqi-Canadian artist Sundus Abdul Hadi discusses art and identity in the context of the Iraq War and Arab diaspora.

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    Dear Briarpatch

    The following poem was pieced together from snippets of letters to the editor of Briarpatch’s 40-year history. Each line is a direct, unedited quote from a Briarpatch reader, with the voices of dozens of readers represented in the whole poem.

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    Briarpatch in photos

    From curling bonspiels to baseball tournaments and fundraising dinners, we present a series of photos from the Briarpatch archives.

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    Social spaces summit

    Through the intersections of social centres, strategies for change emerge.

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    compass/check/pulse point

    Cynthia Dewi Oka’s first collection of poetry, nomad of salt and hard water (Dinah Press), drops anchor in the transoceanic struggle of bodies against borders

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    No force more powerful

    Nothing can really convey the power of moments where people come together to realize their collective strength, but we thought we’d try anyway

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    A steady lens and a dangerous weapon

    “Healing is a challenge in life. It is a victim’s sole obligation,” he says. “Forgotten wounds cannot be healed. So I film to heal.”

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    when time is army marshalled / against you starved and alone / I write in celebration your survival / each molecule of courage you collect / sunrise and sundown.

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    Amita Bhatia, of Vahana Films, is an independent filmmaker. Briarpatch contributor Fathima Cader caught up with Bhatia to talk about Disconsolatus, a full-length science-fiction psychodrama that she wrote and directed.

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    Rappers like InfoRed and Eekwol have great potential to reconnect youth to their culture through Aboriginal storytelling.