
Alex Birrell is a writer, settler, and socialist from southern Saskatchewan.

  • Magazine

    “Do it for yourself, your people, and your land”

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 13th annual Writing in the Margins contest: Helen Knott, Juliane Okot Bitek, and Kevin Settee.

  • A collage of magazine clippings from New Breed, showing Métis people cooking, meeting, and protesting, along with headlines like

    Métis militancy and Saskatchewan media

    In the ’70s and ’80s, Saskatchewan’s left was chronicled by two formidable magazines: New Breed and Briarpatch. This is the story of how they made grassroots media in Saskatchewan.

  • Online-only

    Future on Fire: Defending a ravaged planet

    In his upcoming book “Future on Fire,” David Camfield dispels false solutions to the climate crisis and argues that building collective mass movements that threaten capitalism’s power is our only hope against fossil fuel companies.

  • Online-only

    “That’s how we protect one another”

    Mi’kmaq water protectors and Nova Scotian settlers worked together to stop the Alton Gas project. Their success shows the power of Indigenous-settler solidarity in the fight to defend land and water.

  • Magazine

    The slow crisis in Saskatchewan’s long-term care

    Though 80 per cent of Canada’s COVID deaths have happened in long-term care homes, Saskatchewan has fared better than the Canadian average. It was thanks, in part, to its relatively robust system of publicly owned homes. But in recent decades, cracks have begun showing in that system.

  • Sask Dispatch

    How progressives won the Sask municipal elections

    Of the 20 city council candidates endorsed by the labour movement, 15 won their elections in 2020. We spoke to the organizers behind their campaigns to find out how they did it, and what’s next.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Crowns do it better

    The privatization, perils, and promise of Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Why you should (and shouldn’t) be invested in Regina’s municipal election

    From police brutality to accessibility to climate change – change starts at the local level. That’s why the Sask Dispatch put together a package of articles weighing in on the municipal election. So what’s at stake on November 9?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Help Sask Dispatch create more and better independent journalism

    Sask Dispatch wants to launch a weekly email newsletter and a full on website. In order to do that, we need 100 Founding Members.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “My quality of life has been compromised”: U of S study finds STC closure has had a devastating impact on Saskatchewan people

    A new study from the University of Saskatchewan has found that the 2017 closure of STC has had wide-ranging impacts on everything from social connections to the functioning of the healthcare system itself.

  • A community response to COVID-19

    As lockdown eases, a group providing assistance to Elders and seniors during COVID-19 is rethinking what community support looks like during the long arc of the pandemic.

  • “We have buried too many”: A Q&A with Tristen Durocher

    Durocher, a 24-year-old Métis fiddler, has walked from Air Ronge to begin a hunger strike on the lawn of the Saskatchewan Legislature, demanding resources for suicide prevention.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A symbolic step”: group calls on city of Regina to rename Dewdney Avenue

    As Indian Commissioner and lieutenant governor of Saskatchewan, Edgar Dewdney left a legacy of colonial violence and trauma on the Prairies. Now some have joined together in a campaign to remove his name from one of Regina’s busiest streets.

  • The great Saskatchewan tuition crisis

    Tuition rates have grown by leaps and bounds – and so has student debt. How do we reverse the trend?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Emergency rally for Black lives draws hundreds

    As uprisings in support of Black Lives Matter continue across North America and the world, hundreds gathered in front of the Saskatchewan Legislature to show solidarity and call for justice.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A culture of perpetration”: what’s behind sexual violence in Saskatchewan

    Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan released an in-depth report on sexual violence in the province. The report has been three years in the making, and it provides insights into the nature and the cause of sexual violence in Saskatchewan.

  • Sask Dispatch

    State of the unions

    Militancy, “negative solidarity,” and fighting to win in Saskatchewan and Canada’s labour movement

  • Online-only

    “It’s a crisis of legitimacy for the capitalist system itself”

    Briarpatch hosted a discussion between David McNally, Isaac Murdoch, Nandita Sharma, John Clarke, and David Camfield on the global COVID-19 and economic crises. Here are the key take-aways.

  • Is Saskatchewan doing enough for workers during COVID-19?

    Saskatchewan’s freezing evictions and Trudeau’s promising $2,000 to laid-off workers. But activists are calling for cancelling rent and more protections for workers.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Renewable Regina forum platforms residents’ voices

    Regina residents gathered to offer recommendations on the city’s Renewable Regina motion – which some say has been “denuded” – in advance of May’s Reimagine Regina conference.