• Magazine

    Black radical love in Waterloo

    For over 200 years, Black people have built community and taken care of one another in so-called Waterloo, Ontario.

  • Magazine

    Futurity and systems change reading list

    Future worlds and survival in a changing present gripped by the Anthropocene are on everyone’s minds, and now is the time to dream and lean into what’s coming.

  • Magazine

    Looking for change after Black Lives Matter

    Nearly two years after the summer of 2020, donations and public support for Black police abolitionists on the Prairies have dried up. Meanwhile, police budgets keep growing.

  • Magazine

    Black Lives Matter in Rural Canada, Too

    When we imagine rural Canada as white, we erase the history, present, and future of rural Black life – from Black Loyalist settlers to justice for modern migrant farm workers.

  • Magazine

    Working while Black

    Amid COVID-19 and a global uprising against police brutality, the already intense demands and pressures that Black women face at work have become crushing. Hawa Mire convened a roundtable on Black women’s labour during these times

  • On a pale yellow background, spiky text says

    It’s time to talk about police in our unions

    Toward an abolitionist approach to decent work for all

  • Sask Dispatch

    Emergency rally for Black lives draws hundreds

    As uprisings in support of Black Lives Matter continue across North America and the world, hundreds gathered in front of the Saskatchewan Legislature to show solidarity and call for justice.

  • Online-only

    Disarming the people without disarming the state

    When you factor in the long history of Black people, Indigenous people, and people of colour using guns to defend their communities against police, the military, and white supremacists, gun regulation takes on a different meaning.

  • Magazine

    The Canadian state and Black disregard

    If “the 1990s were Black,” why is anti-Blackness still cemented into Canadian society today? Phillip Dwight Morgan reviews Rinaldo Walcott and Idil Abdillahi’s BlackLife: Post-BLM and the Struggle for Freedom.

  • Magazine

    Fatal encounters

    Cops may kill fewer people in Canada than in the U.S., but it’s clear that the same racism and lack of accountability underpins police shootings as in the U.S. The only difference is that, in Canada, it’s accompanied by less transparency and a paucity of data.

  • Magazine

    Distinct histories, shared solidarity

    Black and Indigenous people cannot look to the state for protection or systemic change. Instead, our movements have to recognize the differences between our oppressions, and stand beside each other while building new, shared spaces to exist.

  • Online-only

    Who Are We Marching For?

    Lessons from Vancouver’s Women’s March on Washington.

  • Online-only

    Toward a World of Many Worlds: The Women’s March in Saskatoon

    In the future, we may be able to point to the Women’s March on Washington in Saskatoon as the critical moment when all our scattered struggles came together as we realized how capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, imperialism, and heterosexism are interconnected.

  • Magazine

    Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement

    Davis calls for this generation to fight for full substantive freedoms, so that future generations will not be left addressing the same issues.

  • Magazine

    “We Continue to be Magical”

    Five young Black folks speak to the challenges and strategies for building and sustaining the Black liberation movement.

  • Magazine

    On Notice

    If we were to place the stories of the Black Lives Matter Toronto resistance and the Panama Papers leak in a Venn diagram, the overlapping space would highlight that capital depends on white supremacy and the justification of racism.

  • Online-only

    Debriefing Black Lives Matter Toronto’s 15-day occupation (Part 2)

    Part 2 of 2 of an interview with two Black Lives Matter Toronto organizers.

  • Online-only

    Debriefing Black Lives Matter Toronto’s 15-day occupation of police headquarters (Part 1)

    Part 1 of 2 of a Q&A with two members of the BLMTO Steering Committee.