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    From the plantation to the prison

    Ohio’s reliance on for-profit prisons shows that slavery has never ended in America. Prisons have always been about herding, investing in, and marketing chattel for a profit.

  • Magazine

    The House of Windsor must fall

    But not before they pay reparations to the descendants of the victims of the transatlantic trade in Africans.

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    The ‘super strong Black woman’ and the silent suffering

    Grada Kilomba writes about the thin line that Black women walk between the stereotypes of sub-human and super-human.

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    COVID-19 and the threat of “community policing”

    Across the country, governments are giving police heightened powers during the pandemic. But as I’ve seen in my home of Kitchener-Waterloo, when police embed themselves in poor and racialized communities, they may simply decide not to leave.

  • Magazine

    Troubled waters

    I know that Black and brown bodies hampered in water, drowning Black and brown bodies, absent Black and brown bodies are required for and useful to whiteness. I see this Jim Crowed reality every time I enter a pool and my fast and skilled Black body is punished for contravening white aquatic segregation.