
John Cameron is a settler writer and musician born, raised, and living in Treaty 4 territory. He's the publisher of Briarpatch Magazine.

  • Magazine

    Thank you, readers

    Thank you Briarpatch readers for making this issue of the magazine possible. We’ll do what we can to keep earning that support, for as long as it takes us to bring into being the better world we’re all fighting for.

  • A digital collage showing an underwater ecosystem. Fish swim near fish-shared lures with Google logos for eyes. At the top, a dragnet made of interlocking Meta logos looms over the fish.

    The dangers of Big Tech funding journalism

    Google and Meta are spending millions on programs and awards to help news outlets in crisis. What’s at stake when tech giants are allowed to brand themselves as the saviours of an industry they helped destroy?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Mapping the connections between anti-queer, anti-trans speakers at Regina’s conversion therapy ban council meeting

    On April 28, Regina city council reviewed a city administration report proposing a ban on conversion therapy – and inadvertently gave a platform to an international network of organized anti-queer, anti-trans activists.