• Online-only

    International solidarity won’t be “cancelled”

    When right-wing media takes aim at Dr. Norman Bethune, it’s part of a resurgent red scare in Canada. Amid rising Canada-China tensions, Bethune shows us a model of working-class solidarity with Chinese people.

  • Magazine

    China, the Canadian left, and countering state capitalist apologia

    Amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and Chinese governments, a troubling campist discourse has been growing in the Canadian left. Socialists should side with neither the American nor the Chinese state – instead, we need to build internationalism from below.

  • A person in an orange jumpsuit leads a goat, attached by a chain around its neck, through the bars of a prison cell.

    Milking prison labour

    Canada’s prison farms are being reopened. But when prisoners will be paid pennies a day, and the fruits of their labour will likely be exported for profit, there’s little to celebrate.

  • Magazine

    Transition and resistance in the Global South

    People in the Global South are least responsible for climate change historically but suffer most from its impacts. Here are four snapshots of struggles for just transition in the Global South.

  • Magazine

    Organizing the suburbs

    Why Chinese suburbanites in Toronto’s commuter belt voted for Doug Ford – and why the left has been losing its foothold in racialized working-class communities

  • Magazine

    The Luxury of Air

    The liberalization of China’s economy has widened the gap between rich and poor, rendering clean air and clean water a privatized luxury.