• Magazine

    Pushing pipeline ownership onto First Nations

    How industry and governments hatched plans to pass the most contentious pieces of resource industry infrastructure onto First Nations

  • Magazine

    The Oil Industry’s PR Offensive

    A climate justice journalist heads to the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary to see how the industry is pushing its messages, and who is doing doing the heavy lifting.

  • Magazine

    Who Controls the Climate Discourse?

    Do we have a problem imagining carbon neutrality?

  • Magazine

    Quebec’s Movement for Economic and Environmental Justice

    Quebec’s social movements are working to wed anti-austerity politics with climate justice.

  • Magazine

    This Changes Something

    Why have environmentalists become so much less effective than they used to be?

  • Magazine

    On the Front Lines of the Great Lakes

    The Great Lakes region is the most important hub for tarsands projects outside of Alberta. Climate activists are working to connect local resistance in front-line communities with the broader movement to halt tarsands expansion.

  • Magazine

    Good ancestors

    How can we become the ancestors future generations demand that we be?

  • Magazine

    Tarsands divestment and its discontents

    Leading activists discuss the strengths and possible pitfalls of a burgeoning campus movement to have universities divest from the fossil fuel economy. Can the campaign succeed?