• Magazine

    COVID capitalism

    Tithi Bhattacharya, Nora Loreto, and Naomi Klein on the impact of COVID-19 neoliberalism and working through pandemic-era isolation to build a better world.

  • Magazine

    Black radical love in Waterloo

    For over 200 years, Black people have built community and taken care of one another in so-called Waterloo, Ontario.

  • Magazine

    “They don’t know how to fight for this”

    In year four of the COVID-19 pandemic, will unions fight for workers’ right not to get sick on the job?

  • Magazine

    “Health is capitalism’s vulnerability”

    An interview with Beatrice Adler-Bolton on her new book “Health Communism: A Surplus Manifesto”

  • A photo of downtown Ottawa. Against a background of skyscrapers, huge trucks are parked, facing the camera. A multitude of signs lean up against them, with slogans like

    The oil industry’s Frankenstein

    How Canada’s oil industry birthed the Freedom Convoy and a far-right movement

  • An abstract red line drawing of two figures. The first figure is crouching, reaching its arms out in front. The second figure is in the same pose, facing the opposite direction, and is partially overlapping the first figure, on the same level.

    The ghostwriter

    A short story about a mysterious ailment

  • Three black-and-white illustrations, done in pen and ink, of the three roundtable participants. Each participant is shown from the shoulders up and is slightly smiling at the camera.

    Roundtable on long COVID in Canada

    Three people living with long COVID discuss government responses to the pandemic, what doctors need to know, and how people can support long haulers.

  • Magazine

    The right to return to work

    At the beginning of the pandemic, the Pacific Gateway and Hilton Metrotown hotels laid off their workers – then refused to hire them back. Hotel workers are fighting for their jobs, and for the future of the hotel industry after the pandemic.

  • Online-only

    No more pandemic platitudes

    In her new COVID How-Not-To manual, Nora Loreto takes a month-by-month look at the first year of the pandemic – and the pro-business politicians and docile press that led to its mismanagement.

  • Online-only

    Alex Vitale on the policing of insurrectionary far-right protests

    For professor Alex Vitale, author of The End of Policing, “when we embrace the use of repressive political policing, we’re mobilizing the tools that will primarily be used against our own movements.”

  • Magazine

    Why choose to live?

    Surviving a COVID outbreak inside a federal prison

  • Magazine

    Filipinos across Canada respond to pandemic inequalities

    From live-in caregivers to meat packers, Filipino workers have been at the front lines of COVID – but have received little protection or recognition.

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    “Chip away at it”

    From March 2020 to March 2021 there were more than 21 hunger strikes in Canadian prisons. Briarpatch looks back on a year of prisoner rebellions during COVID and what they won.

  • Magazine

    The myth of Canadian generosity

    When Canada boasted about its foreign aid while repeatedly blocking a proposal to waive the intellectual property rights to the COVID vaccines, it revealed a 150-year-old pattern of empty generosity.

  • Magazine


    How do we build a transformative mass movement against pandemic-era injustice?

  • Online-only


    “I fear the moment when the listener decides that I am incorrect, uninformed, or too self-interested to be speaking truthfully.” A photo essay about the fear of being silenced.

  • Online-only

    The story of the union drives sweeping Indigo stores

    Four Indigo stores have unionized in less than five months. It’s a lesson in how workers can play the pandemic to their advantage – leveraging social media and relying on community support to fight for lasting changes in their workplace.

  • Online-only

    Suppress The Virus Now Coalition Statement

    Canadian governments are putting corporate profits ahead of the health and well-being of our communities. We are a network of community groups, labour groups, and individuals in Ontario, standing together to demand that our elected officials explicitly adopt the humane goal of eliminating community spread of COVID-19 – centring the needs of those most impacted by the pandemic, and by the ongoing violence of the Canadian state.

  • A letter from the organizer of the Sask. prisoners’ hunger strike

    The COVID-19 outbreak inside Saskatchewan’s provincial prisons, where three-quarters of inmates are Indigenous, is the newest development in Canada’s 154-year-long campaign of Indigenous genocide.

  • Magazine

    No COVID Evictions

    A six-page comic about Keep Your Rent’s tenant organizing in Toronto during eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic.