• Magazine

    The myth of police as “embattled heroes”

    The Winnipeg police union says officers are constantly under attack by everything from “gang members” to video games to bedbugs. It’s a strategy to persuade the public that the only solution is more police and more money.

  • Magazine

    Guilty until proven innocent

    Living on remand, it’s important to know how to fight for your rights when the justice system breaks its own rules.

  • Magazine

    Criminal code is the new buffalo

    On reverse onus and colonial justice

  • Magazine

    Evidence of an unjust justice system

    Governments criminalize poor people, and then allow companies to exploit prisoners’ basic needs for profit.

  • Online-only

    How Canada is targeting Indigenous resistance to TMX

    Indigenous land defenders are receiving the harshest treatment for protesting the troubled Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. How far will the courts go to repress those opposed to a project that seems doomed to fail?

  • Sask Dispatch

    A fair day in – and out of – court

    In Saskatchewan, what resources exist to help defendants navigate – and avoid getting trapped in – our complex and high-stakes court system?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Youth access to justice

    Are young defendants being provided with the legal information and advice they need to navigate the court system in Saskatchewan?

  • A book cover with red umbrellas against a black background.

    Taking sex workers seriously

    How have restrictive new laws like America’s FOSTA/SESTA and Canada’s PCEPA impacted sex workers’ labour conditions? Lindsay Blewett reviews Red Light Labour: Sex Work Regulation, Agency, and Resistance

  • Magazine

    School Dispatch

    Police officers are stationed in high schools across Toronto under the guise of ensuring school safety. With powers to search and arrest students, they criminalize student conduct and build mistrust and alienation among marginalized students.

  • Magazine

    Talking about Sex Work

    With the Conservative government set to pass new legislation affecting sex workers, a former sex worker says labour organizing, not criminalization, is what the industry needs.