• Decolonizing Relations on Treaty 4 territory

    Indigenous people, immigrants, and settlers in Regina’s Decolonizing Relations group discuss land, labour, and solidarity.

  • Magazine

    Reserved for the Beast

    “If Canada wants to live up to its lie of a reputation / then there at least needs to be justice involvement. / The way of Indigenous life / has become learning to live with injustice.” Best of Regina winner of our ninth annual Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    Just transition means returning Indigenous land –  but that might look different than you think

    When the weight of our entire imbalance crashes down on me, I remember that, through treaties, our ancestors planned for us to remain in our homeland through another apocalypse.

  • Magazine

    What’s in a just transition?

    We convened a roundtable of activists from different movements to talk about what a just transition means to them, and what it looks like on the ground.

  • Magazine

    “We need to begin protecting all of our territories”

    Two hours east of the Unist’ot’en camp, Wet’suwet’en land defenders from the Likhts’amisyu clan are starting a new camp in the path of the Coastal GasLink pipeline

  • Magazine

    This is what Indigenous energy sovereignty looks like

    Just as Indigenous peoples are at the front line of climate impacts, we must also be at the forefront of climate solutions. This is where Indigenous Climate Action was born.

  • Magazine

    The theft of the present

    Winnipeg has been shaped by settler city planners and capitalists who sidelined Indigenous plans for decolonized urban development. Emily Leedham reviews Stolen City: Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg by Owen Toews.

  • Magazine

    Socializing and decolonizing Saskatchewan’s oil

    Could a new crown corporation – SaskOil – allow us to wind down the industry, get off oil, keep people employed, and repatriate land, resources, and decision-making to Indigenous peoples?

  • Magazine

    Decolonizing the Toilet

    At the University of Cape Town in South Africa, the student-led Fallist movement is seeking institutional transformation that would uproot the deeply embedded ideological traces of apartheid and colonialism.

  • Magazine

    The Indigenous Nurses Who Decolonized Health Care

    Few Indigenous labour history studies, especially in the post-fur trade era, focus on Indigenous women’s work, but labour functioned as a colonial tool to strip Indigenous people of title and status. Indigenous women faced the worst moral and social regulation, racism, and sexism at work, and so Indigenous women’s labour became a site of resistance to patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. The history of Indigenous nurses’ organizing was especially revolutionary.

  • Online-only

    Indict the System: Indigenous & Black Resistance

    The correct emotional response to state violence targeting Indigenous and Black families is rage.