• Magazine

    Stopping the Big Sprawl

    In southern Ontario, Doug Ford plans to convert farmland and natural areas into suburban housing. But a coalition of farmers, environmentalists, and Indigenous activists are fighting back, and asking: “Do we need sprawl at all?”

  • Sask Dispatch

    Protecting the peatlands

    A new proposal would mine peat from northern Saskatchewan muskegs for 80 years. Locals say it would be both devastating to the environment and a violation of Treaty Rights.

  • Magazine


    “In the palm of my hand, I delicately finger a pair of unfamiliar ID cards printed on worn pieces of coloured paper, yellow and salmon pink. The faded type reveals they were issued in the spring of 1941 with approval from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” Creative non-fiction winner of the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    The lie of anti-consumerism

    Anti-consumerism is a noxious, tone-deaf, and fundamentally reactionary concept that absolves capitalism of its crimes – and should quickly be banished from serious leftist discourse.

  • Magazine

    Growing Sustainable Forestry Alliances

    The forestry model conventionally pursued by the Canadian forestry industry has long been battering community economies, trampling Indigenous rights, and damaging forestry ecosystems, all the while empowered by colonial and capitalist legislative frameworks. Sustainable forest management is gaining traction as allied forestry workers, grassroots environmentalists, and First Nations create new models of forestry.

  • Magazine

    Capitalist Production vs. The Earth

    Environmentalists have challenged the perceived opposition between labour and the environment, but do we need to democratize our mode of economic production to truly address the climate crisis?

  • Magazine

    Hijacked canoes and settler ships

    Is Indigenous land reclamation a form of environmentalism? How does Indigenous resurgence relate to left-wing political traditions?