• A digital illustration of two farm workers at work. The farm workers are in the center of the illustration, and both are wearing black rubber books, marine blue pants, and plaid sweaters. They are fist-bumping while holding a crate overflowing with vegetables. Pumpkins, corn, swiss chard, and other vegetables surround them. Plant roots are visible below them.

    Building farm worker power

    Across Canada, farm workers are facing hotter summers and extreme weather, while being denied basic labour protections like a minimum wage. The farm workers organizing within the National Farmers Union want to change agriculture’s unsustainable conditions.

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    Stopping the Big Sprawl

    In southern Ontario, Doug Ford plans to convert farmland and natural areas into suburban housing. But a coalition of farmers, environmentalists, and Indigenous activists are fighting back, and asking: “Do we need sprawl at all?”

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    The Indian farmers’ protest is a window on a new world

    Since September 2020, tens of thousands of farmers and farm labourers and over 40 unions have been waging resistance to three agricultural farm bills in India. The protest’s sustained presence, immense scale, and diverse solidarities have shaken the legitimacy of Prime Minister Modi, and provided us all with a renewed ethical orientation and political vision for a new world.

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    How can farmers fight back against the new NAFTA?

    NAFTA 2.0 is chipping away at hard-won policies that guard Canadian farmers from price volatility and ensure high labour and environmental standards. The National Farmers Union is fighting back – at the level of both grassroots and policy.

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    Making a killing

    Palestinian workers in illegal Israeli settlements are calling for boycotts of Israeli goods – even though it may mean they lose their jobs

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    The fight for food sovereignty on P.E.I.

    Big agribusiness corporations control the entire food supply chain – from seed to superstore – on Prince Edward Island. But small family farms are fighting back.

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    Farmer Fightback

    Amid neoliberal government policies, rampant climate change, and corporate land grabbing, the National Farmers Union continues to fight for sustainability, income security, and farmers’ dignity.