• A photo of copies of Briarpatch from 2009 strewn across a wooden table. The cover of the topmost issue shows a police in riot gear looming behind a woman, with the words

    File rejected

    In 2009, Briarpatch’s $33,000 application to the Canada Magazine Fund was rejected, without explanation, by Stephen Harper’s Minister of Canadian Heritage. It would take an access to information request to reveal that, behind the scenes, the fund’s staff were also being stonewalled by the minister’s office. 

  • Magazine

    Hope, Fear, and the Donation Paradox

    Relieved not to be fighting Harper’s grim conservative agenda, many donors have pulled back from contributing to progressive organizations since Trudeau’s election. What can donations reveal about broader political involvement to keep up the struggle in seemingly more hopeful times?

  • Magazine

    The Peoples’ Social Forum

    What is the historic gathering of activists and organizers meant to achieve?