• Online-only

    Where there’s smoke, there’s no fire

    New Freedom of Information documents show the City of Toronto’s efforts to control the media narrative around encampment evictions last summer – inflating the number of fires in encampments and using media exclusion zones.

  • Magazine

    When security infects social work

    A Montreal homeless shelter recently laid off its front-line workers and replaced them with security guards. Service users and front-line workers in Montreal discuss what happens when social services focus on control, not care.

  • Magazine

    A Battle For The Soul of Toronto

    As COVID fanned the flames of Toronto’s preexisting housing crisis, the Keep Your Rent posters on every block were a reminder that, all around me, there were people fighting for the soul of the city I grew up in. 

  • Magazine

    A new crisis service

    Amid calls to defund and ultimately abolish the police, we spoke to the people who are already working on replacing the police with crisis workers in Canada.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Ending homelessness

    Without any city, provincial, or federal funding, Fougere’s plan to end homelessness has been an utter failure. What concrete steps can the city take to end homelessness?