• A historical black and white image of a number of people protesting at an assembly, some with signs around their necks that say

    Assembling a digital dystopia

    The Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board’s “digital-first” hearing model is silencing tenants and helping landlords evict them.

  • Digital illustration of a hospital room with the focus on a pornographic scene playing on a wall-mounted television, from the perspective of a viewer next to the hospital bed. Also shown is the lower half of a person's body covered in blankets on the bed, a window with lowered curtain, a closed door, and a vital signs monitor.

    Fighting for the right to fuck

    For more than a century, eugenicists have tried to eliminate disabled people through sexual sterilization. Today, disabled people’s sex lives are still surveilled, suppressed, and punished in institutions.

  • A digital illustration showing assistive devices – a wheelchair, a cane, and a blood glucose monitor – floating against a light blue background.

    Care without institutions

    Four case studies of projects that are meeting disabled people’s needs through community care.

  • Online-only

    The residents of the Happiness Inn

    In Niagara Falls, Ontario, low-income seniors are left with no choice but to move into an uninhabitable motel: the Happiness Inn.

  • Magazine

    This House Is Not a Home

    The Northwest Territories Housing Corporation was created with a colonial mandate that was meant to keep Indigenous Peoples in the North from being sovereign nations. Nearly half a century later, not much has changed.

  • Magazine

    A Battle For The Soul of Toronto

    As COVID fanned the flames of Toronto’s preexisting housing crisis, the Keep Your Rent posters on every block were a reminder that, all around me, there were people fighting for the soul of the city I grew up in. 

  • Magazine

    No COVID Evictions

    A six-page comic about Keep Your Rent’s tenant organizing in Toronto during eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Magazine

    Four case studies of Land Back in action

    From land trusts to mushroom permitting, here are some examples of what Land Back looks like on the ground

  • Magazine

    Invested in crisis

    Pension funds control billions of dollars of workers’ money. But when pension funds are invested in real estate, are they really working for workers?

  • Magazine

    Will it help us fight?

    Briarpatch began 49 years ago as a four-page newsletter produced by and for low-income earners, welfare recipients, and the unemployed. Today, as so many of my friends lose their jobs or have their shifts halved during the COVID-19 pandemic, I can see clearly the thread that connects Briarpatch to its origins half a century ago.

  • Is Saskatchewan doing enough for workers during COVID-19?

    Saskatchewan’s freezing evictions and Trudeau’s promising $2,000 to laid-off workers. But activists are calling for cancelling rent and more protections for workers.

  • Magazine

    The rise of the real estate state

    Whose interests guide the state apparatus that sets the parameters of city development? Yutaka Dirks reviews Samuel Stein’s Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State.

  • Sask Dispatch

    4,000 households cut off of housing supplement before application process closed

    The Ministry of Social Services says that “approximately 4,000 cases were closed between December 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018.” Unless those 4,000 people who had been cut off appealed the decision before July 1, they would never be eligible to receive the supplement again.

  • Magazine

    The battle for Heron Gate

    Mega-landlord Timbercreek owns half of one of the poorest and most racialized neighbourhoods in Ottawa – and they’re evicting over 400 residents to build a new “resort-style apartment” complex. But tenants are organizing from the grassroots and fighting to save Heron Gate.

  • Ani-poverty activists marching in Toronto holding colourful banners, including a large red banner that says

    A Thousand More Beds

    The homeless shelter system in Canada’s largest city is in crisis – but anti-poverty and housing activists are fighting the systemic abandonment of homeless people, and they’re winning important gains.

  • Magazine

    Defying the War on Drugs

    Harm reduction workers are building the infrastructure to respond to the opioid crisis.

  • Online-only

    A Win For Tenants

    Tenants in Toronto have long been exploited by landlords imposing skyrocketing rent increases. Organizers have just secured a victory – and there’s more to come.

  • Magazine

    War in the Neighborhood

    War in the Neighborhood, a graphic novel about the struggles of squatters at war with police and developers, is re-read 17 years later with fresh eyes.

  • Magazine

    Poor Housing: A Silent Crisis

    In the face of federal fiscal abandonment, community-based housing providers in Winnipeg are working to support low-income tenants.

  • Magazine

    Father, Son, and the Alberta Housing Boom

    Critical reflections on life and labour in the home building trades.