• Magazine

    Journalism with movements in the South

    When journalists insist the world’s problems, no matter how big or small, are caused by U.S. government interference, grassroots struggles against austerity and authoritarianism fall out of view.

  • An illustration from the perspective of a person working at a laptop. Looming over their laptop screen is a wide man in a suit and Canadian flag brooch, his hands grabbing the laptop screen. Beside the laptop is a sticky note that says

    Doing anti-imperialist journalism while the world marches to war

    After Russia invaded Ukraine, anything other than support for sending unlimited weapons to Ukraine was painted as pro-Russian propaganda. What does anti-war journalism look like in a climate of social media harassment and state attacks?

  • An array of military weapons fan out to create a Rorschach test, including artillery shells, bullets, guns, planes, and surveillance cameras. Smoke billows behind them on an orange background.

    Disability and war

    Across the world, people are disabled in vast numbers by war, occupation, and imperial violence. How can disability justice confront the U.S. and Canadian war machines?

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    The myth of Canadian generosity

    When Canada boasted about its foreign aid while repeatedly blocking a proposal to waive the intellectual property rights to the COVID vaccines, it revealed a 150-year-old pattern of empty generosity.

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    The House of Windsor must fall

    But not before they pay reparations to the descendants of the victims of the transatlantic trade in Africans.

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    China, the Canadian left, and countering state capitalist apologia

    Amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and Chinese governments, a troubling campist discourse has been growing in the Canadian left. Socialists should side with neither the American nor the Chinese state – instead, we need to build internationalism from below.

  • Online-only

    Are any of Rosa Luxemburg’s ideas relevant for us today?

    One hundred years after the murder of the Polish-German revolutionary socialist, are any of her ideas still useful for leftists?

  • Magazine

    dis place

    “I joke that I’ve been playing hide-and-seek with U.S. immigration since 2003. With the announcement of DACA in 2012, the game has shifted to legal limbo, purgatory, how low can you go?” Creative non-fiction runner-up of the Writing in the Margins contest.

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    The Honduran Election Crisis

    Canadian capital stands to benefit from the fraudulent election of a far right-wing government that has brought down the full force of the military on Hondurans – particularly on activists like Berta Cáceres.

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    The Ottawa Connection

    Authors’ responses to the interventions and comments that emerged through the symposium

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Nicole Fabricant: What does the hyper-militarization of resource-based capitalism in the Andes and mean for social movements in the region, for Indigenous peoples, and for alternative socio-ecologies?

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    The Ottawa Connection

    Kyla Sankey: How do the authors invoke David Harvey’s concept of accumulation by dispossession?

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    The Ottawa Connection

    Simon Granovsky-Larsen argues that the greatest contribution of Blood of Extraction lies in the use of documents released through access to information requests in Canada.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Jerome Klassen on Blood of Extraction demonstrates how Canadian foreign policy in Latin America can be viewed in relation to global dynamics of economic, political, and military power.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    A six-part discussion on the contributions of the new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery Webber, Blood of Extraction.

  • Online-only

    Obama visits the Philippines

    America the good; America the imperialist

  • Magazine

    Outsourcing sovereignty

    Haiti is an avant-garde microcosm of the privatization, deregulation, and loosening of state structures and protections that is happening everywhere.

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    Responsibility to protect?

    The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is a new name for the old concept of humanitarian intervention, or humanitarian imperialism.

  • Magazine

    Constructed categories

    If labour is imagined outside of wage work and governmental categories, it gives us the tools to further a more collective struggle against the living legacies of dispossession, colonization, and exploitation.

  • Magazine

    Red light on the Red Cross in Haiti?

    More than two years after the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti, there’s little to show for the $200 million in donations pledged to the Canadian Red Cross for reconstruction efforts. After historic outpourings of support, why has there been so little progress on the ground in Haiti?