• Magazine

    Who is a prisoner?

    From psychiatric facilities to youth detention centres, the prison keeps growing. To abolish prisons, organizers first need to map the system.

  • Three photos of unappetizing-looking food: a cheese sandwich made from untoasted bread and unmelted cheese; petrified scrambled eggs and a pale hash brown; and unidentifiable green and brown gruel.

    “We are fed the same way caged animals are”

    To understand what life is like along the “continuum of confinement,” three people living in prisons and long-term care homes share the food they have eaten and eat every day.

  • Online-only

    Prisoners use drugs. Stop trying to stop them

    Drug prohibition in prisons is a dangerous farce that generates violence, overdoses, and corruption.

  • Magazine

    “Chip away at it”

    From March 2020 to March 2021 there were more than 21 hunger strikes in Canadian prisons. Briarpatch looks back on a year of prisoner rebellions during COVID and what they won.

  • Magazine

    Ingesting surveillance

    A new digital pill that tracks whether it has been ingested is poised to enter the Canadian market. But for people who are incarcerated and medicated, it threatens to expand surveillance both inside and outside prisons.

  • Online-only

    In Canada’s federal women’s prisons, reproductive rights are under threat

    In a new report, people inside women’s prisons explain how incarceration has impacted their reproductive health – from limiting health care access, to verbal and physical abuse, to destroying family connections.

  • Magazine

    History of a Prison

    As Lorna Poplak’s new book “The Don: The Story of Toronto’s Infamous Jail” shows, it’s impossible for a history of a prison to disappear the continuity between one institution and the carceral whole.

  • Magazine

    Sending Josephine home

    Josephine Pelletier was shot to death by Calgary police in May. Her life and death shed light on the complicated interplay between colonialism, incarceration, and police brutality. This is her story.

  • Magazine

    Pen Pal Solidarity

    The Prisoner Correspondence Project connects LGBTQ2S inmates with pen pals on the outside. The relationships of care and empathy developed over years of exchanging letters are a form of radical solidarity that upends the control, surveillance, isolation, and erasure enforced by prisons.

  • Magazine

    A Matter of Life and Death in Remand

    When the correctional system dictates inmates’ access to health care, the moral policing of addictions in combination with systemic racism creates a lethal environment in remand.

  • Magazine

    Gabor Maté: How Capitalism Makes Us Sick

    Two physicians discuss the political economy of human well-being.