• Magazine

    Thank you, readers

    Thank you Briarpatch readers for making this issue of the magazine possible. We’ll do what we can to keep earning that support, for as long as it takes us to bring into being the better world we’re all fighting for.

  • Four pieces of media against a blue background: a book cover for Indigenous Media Arts in Canada, a movie poster for Writing With Fire, a movie poster for Tell The Truth And Run, and a book cover for the Community Radio Toolkit.

    A reading list on alternative and grassroots media

    Alternative media’s promise is that all people have a right to participate in making media, free of commercial and government control. These are a few of the guiding voices on how to build media for people, not profit.

  • A digital collage showing an underwater ecosystem. Fish swim near fish-shared lures with Google logos for eyes. At the top, a dragnet made of interlocking Meta logos looms over the fish.

    The dangers of Big Tech funding journalism

    Google and Meta are spending millions on programs and awards to help news outlets in crisis. What’s at stake when tech giants are allowed to brand themselves as the saviours of an industry they helped destroy?

  • A copy of Briarpatch laying on a pink background. On the cover, it shows a cartoon-like illustration of a house with an orange roof, and a a big pink tree. In front of it is a cluster of people, representing different members of the Briarpatch community: someone wearing a sasquatch costume, people holding cameras, ice skates, a baby, a receipt, and a stack of magazines. On the cover it reads

    Happy 50th birthday, Briarpatch

    This issue tells the story of Briarpatch’s survival, and explores how to build better media in Canada.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Help Sask Dispatch create more and better independent journalism

    Sask Dispatch wants to launch a weekly email newsletter and a full on website. In order to do that, we need 100 Founding Members.

  • Magazine

    Sustainer profile #64: Eden Robinson

    An interview with Haisla/Heiltsuk author Eden Robinson about her relationship to land, the importance of independent journalism in covering Indigenous movements, and why she donates monthly to Briarpatch.

  • Magazine

    To avoid climate disaster, we need local media

    The climate crisis is the biggest story of our time, but it’s a story that’s extremely difficult to tell. And as corporate owners shutter local newspapers, we’re losing our best tool in understanding what climate change looks like on the ground, and our best method to empower people to fight back.

  • Magazine

    There’s no journalism on a dead planet

    Corporate media owners are killing local newspapers – which is making it difficult for everyday people to understand the on-the-ground impacts of the climate crisis.

  • Magazine

    Fund the media you want to see in the world

    The right, in general, understands the effectiveness of media manipulation. But does the left understand the importance of funding media? And do we put money into the media we want to see exist?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Introducing the Sask Dispatch

    We’re trying out a low-cost, low-risk way to produce and publish more journalism about Saskatchewan.

  • Magazine

    Journalism with Legs

    Eking out a place for independent journalism in tough times.