July/August 2016 cover

Organizing Wisdom

Why should social movements learn from experts? Assisted dying legislation and the disability rights. Pinkwashing Israeli and Canadian occupation. Building sustainable social movements for the long haul. An autoethnography of an eating disorder treatment that ignored the identity of a trans patient. How can libraries and archives be leveraged for continuous movement building? An architect’s prison abolition work. How does unlearning reproduce white supremacy? Plus book reviews!

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    Abolition Architecture

    Architect Tings Chak on imagining and designing a world without prisons.

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    Why the Left Needs Experts

    If social justice movements are to succeed, they have to be right.

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    You Know Something I Don’t Know

    How can social movements draw on established resources and on the wisdom of their members to propel an ethical redistribution of power?

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    Safeguarding Against Abuse

    Medical and social attitudes toward people with disabilities commonly – and dangerously – assume that bodily difference means a compromised quality of life. These attitudes translate into systemic discrimination that intensifies the vulnerability of people with disabilities. What, if anything, does Bill C-14, the legislation on medical assistance in dying (MAID), do to safeguard against abuse of vulnerabilities?

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    Pinkwashing Settler Colonialism

    Settler colonial states like Israel and Canada use homonationalism to position gay-friendly narratives and legislation as the justification of occupation and oppression.

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    For the Long Haul

    How can we improve our social movement cultures and our relationships with each other while learning from the past and creating for the future?

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    Body Non-Compliance

    The treatment Evelyn Deshane received for an eating disorder conflated body dismorphic disorder and gender dysphoria. In this autoethnographic essay, Evelyn explains how the diagnostic language of distrust and blame coursed through treatment and stifled crucial conversations about gender.

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    Access to Information

    Libraries and archives can and should be leveraged by activists to access histories and records of dissent.

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    Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody

    How does the settler state use the legal apparatus of inquests to justify colonialism?

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    The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada: Culture, Politics, and Self

    Book review

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    Learning to Unlearn

    Unlearning often reproduces the very patterns that the practice seeks to challenge.