• The covers or posters of four pieces of media, against a dark blue background: the book

    A reading list on labour’s role in a just transition

    A transition to a sustainable economy is a monumental task that will require transformative change. Whether this transition is just, democratic, and reflective of the scale of the crises we face is still to be determined.

  • A digital illustration of a tree planter in a coal mine surrounded by green hills. The sky is blue and cloudy. The tree planter is standing to the left of the image, wearing blue pants, a red and orange shirt, and a yellow hat. They have a beige bag with plants inside slung over their shoulder. They're looking at the coal mine and three of their colleagues at work planting trees in the distance.

    Planting trees in a coal mine

    Reclaiming mines is touted as an essential part of a just transition. But in Teck’s B.C. coal mines, two tree planters were left asking: were they part of reclamation, or greenwashing?

  • A copy of Briarpatch's Nov/Dec 2022 issue on a yellow background.

    Keeping justice in a just transition

    As the term “just transition” gains traction with policymakers and fossil fuel companies trying to paint themselves green, the articles in this issue remind us that a just transition means justice for workers, migrants, and Indigenous Peoples.

  • A plume of smoke billows out of the coal fired Keephills Power Station in Wabamun, Alberta at sunset.

    Will the real climate platform please stand up?

    We need a climate plan that defunds and dismantles the systems of pollution, inequality, and oppression that underpin our death march towards climate catastrophe, and instead redirects resources to solutions pathways.