• Magazine

    One less prison to be torn down

    How prisoners helped stop the construction of a new prison camp in Kentucky

  • Sask Dispatch

    A fair day in – and out of – court

    In Saskatchewan, what resources exist to help defendants navigate – and avoid getting trapped in – our complex and high-stakes court system?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Youth access to justice

    Are young defendants being provided with the legal information and advice they need to navigate the court system in Saskatchewan?

  • Online-only

    Unpacking the Coastal GasLink injunction and its omissions

    How one Canadian judge justified violent theft of Wet’suwet’en land

  • Magazine

    Chilling public protest

    Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are used to silence, impoverish, and intimidate protesters. Now, with a lawsuit filed against the alleged participants of Winnipeg’s Rooster Town Blockade, we may be seeing one of the first SLAPPs on the Prairies.

  • Magazine

    Colonial courts and settler justice

    Most days during Gerald Stanley’s trial, the courtroom could be cut in half: the white half – family and supporters of the accused – and the brown half – family and supporters of the victim.