Megan Kinch is a union electrician and freelance writer living in Toronto. You can find her on Twitter at @meganysta.

  • Magazine

    Filipinos across Canada respond to pandemic inequalities

    From live-in caregivers to meat packers, Filipino workers have been at the front lines of COVID – but have received little protection or recognition.

  • Magazine

    Feminism that’s ready for a fight

    In her new book, Nora Loreto tracks the rise and fall of Canada’s organized feminist movement, and observes how formal organizations were replaced with a mix of online personalities, bloggers, and service organizations. How do we once again build a feminist movement that can pose a serious challenge to neoliberal austerity and misogyny?

  • Online-only

    Working With Your Hands

    The only way to survive is to make a living wage and I can’t do that unless I sell my hands, my back, and my brain as a skilled labourer.

  • Online-only

    Your Mama Wears CSA-Approved Safety Boots

    What does it say when the easiest part of the life of a mother in a neoliberal city is starting a new job in the trades?

  • Online-only

    A Woman Construction Worker on the Slab

    What’s it like to be the only woman worker on a construction site?

  • Online-only

    Reflecting on injury and stolen wages at work

    Non-union construction work involves calculations no one should have to make.

  • Magazine

    Women and Capitalism

    Feminism with class.

  • Magazine

    Hijacked canoes and settler ships

    Is Indigenous land reclamation a form of environmentalism? How does Indigenous resurgence relate to left-wing political traditions?

  • Magazine

    Left behind

    In the long term, the fate of CAW-unionized workers is going to depend on their ability to organize unrepresented parts and autoworkers. The wider the wage gap grows between unionized and non-unionized workers, the more concessions CAW autoworkers will have to endure.