Don Kossick is the long-time producer of and has contributed to Briarpatch many times over the years.

  • Magazine

    Stepping up for future generations

    In summer 2011, several people from communities in northern Saskatchewan walked 820 kilometres from Pinehouse to Regina to raise awareness about the storage and transportation of nuclear waste in the province, and to oppose a proposed nuclear waste dump near Pinehouse. This is an excerpt from their radio interview with Don Kossick following the walk.

  • Magazine

    Voices from the front lines

    As part of an ongoing project, Making the Links Radio is conducting interviews and producing radio shows focused on immigrant communities in Canada. From these conversations, we bring you glimpses of three important sites of struggle against the exploitation and marginalization of (im)migrant groups in Canada: the Philippine Women Centres, the Workers’ Action Centre, and Justicia for Migrant Workers.

  • Magazine

    Intellectual property and the AIDS pandemic

    Intellectual property rights and free trade agreements have undercut the ability of countries to provide generic antiretroviral drugs to save people with HIV/AIDS.