
Aaron Lakoff is an award-winning independent journalist, media-maker, and community organizer based in Montreal. He is currently working as the Communications and Media Lead for Independent Jewish Voices Canada.

  • Online-only

    Khalil Abu Yahia: Dispatch from Palestine on COVID-19

    “If you don’t put the maximum pressure on Israel to lift the siege right now, Gaza will become a graveyard.” Khalil Abu Yahia, a 24 year-old English teacher in Gaza City, reflects on life under the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Online-only

    Asmaa Tayeh: Dispatch from Palestine on COVID-19

    “We don’t have the capacity or equipment to keep us safe from this virus. It will spread very easily, and we will start to see the numbers here that we’ve been seeing in Italy and Spain.” Asmaa Tayeh, living in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in the north of the Gaza strip, reflects on life under the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Magazine

    Innu not idle as Plan Nord advances

    As Pauline Marois’ Parti Québécois tries to repackage the Charest government’s neoliberal policies, resistance to the massive Plan Nord project is escalating among the northern Innu people and their allies. Even as band councils enter negotiations with the Canadian government, grassroots activists inspired by Idle No More are fighting for Indigenous autonomy and their traditional territories.