
Andrew Loewen was the editor of Briarpatch from 2013 to 2015. He lives, works, and organizes in Winnipeg.

  • The covers of four archival issues of Briarpatch, against a light blue background

    50 years of editing Briarpatch

    Four editors reflect on decades of editing Briarpatch: what they learned, the stories that challenged them, what’s changed, and what’s stayed the same.

  • Magazine

    Just transition: a vision and a plan

    Around us, we see fear and uncertainty about the world that is coming into being. This issue of Briarpatch came from a desire to articulate a hopeful vision of the future, and a plan for how to get there by addressing interwoven social and environmental crises.

  • Magazine

    Transition and resistance in the Global South

    People in the Global South are least responsible for climate change historically but suffer most from its impacts. Here are four snapshots of struggles for just transition in the Global South.

  • Online-only

    Will Sask NDP support oil industry or Indigenous land rights?

    Indigenous peoples and activists are expected to “wait and see” after Meili hires longtime oil industry manager as Chief of Staff.

  • Magazine

    What Will It Take to Embolden and Strengthen the Left?

    The Courage coalition wants to transform the social and economic configuration of Canada. In an interview, two members discuss the efforts to focus, embolden, and strengthen the left.

  • Online-only

    Police are the Dogs that Keep my People Down

    An interview with Simon Ash-Moccasin

  • Magazine

    Reporting on the Class Struggle

    An interview with RankandFile.ca’s Doug Nesbitt and David Bush.

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    The Politics of Pen on Paper

    An interview with writing contest judges, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson and Stephen Collis.

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    Lessons from Clare

    A principled life on the political left.

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    The gendered labour of social movements

    The actual work of social movement building is always disproportionately borne by women and queer people.

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    Beyond Holding Your Nose

    What a politician is willing to do is never as important as what we can do together when we organize.

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    The Horizon of Expectations

    Letter from the editor.

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    Social Bodies

    Everything we care about when we think about social justice relates to our bodies: how they are defined and governed and by whom.

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    Inside and Outside of Labour

    A left without militant organized labour is all protest with no real leverage.

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    Women and Capitalism

    Feminism with class.

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    Our Infrastructure of Dissent

    Organizing ultimately comes down to building relationships.

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    Where is this going?

    Building social power is not about securing a politician’s ear.

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    Violent relations

    What is the role of settler Canadians in the colonial present?

  • Magazine

    University of Regina set to endorse Israeli occupation?

    Hebrew University is a shocking choice for a collaboration in public safety management, say Palestinian students.

  • Magazine


    When we appeal to the logic of cost-effectiveness, I worry that our politics are not tied to a robust vision of human flourishing.