May/June 2012 cover

In this issue of Briarpatch Fathima Cader looks at the Conservative government’s efforts to enlist public support for the booming business of deportation. First-time Briarpatch contributor Mike Krebs explains what’s behind Canada’s unconditional support for Israel, and its role as an architect of apartheid. Plus, the long-awaiting creative writing contest winners!

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  • Magazine

    Letter from the editor

    It was a brisk sunny day in November 2007 when I first bounded up the stairs at Huston House, the historic building in which Briarpatch makes its home, brimming with energy and ideas.

  • Magazine


    The house had a makeshift feeling she should have grown out of a long time ago, her scattered belongings littering the floor like residue. She liked to feel as though she could leave at any moment just by throwing a few things into a bag.

  • Magazine

    The colony is unwilling to share fire

    Two worlds overlap, drifting sullenly between clouds and shadows. Only one body desires to consume itself in darkness overnight.

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    Vigilante nation

    Evidently, the Conservatives’ “most-wanted” list has become a permanent and ongoing means of enlisting public support in the burgeoning business of deportation.

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    United against austerity

    At the same time, the austerity assault continues in Toronto and across Canada with slashes to social services ranging from libraries to daycares, emergency services, and public transit.

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    Architect of apartheid

    As both Canada and Israel come under increasing scrutiny on the world stage for their crimes against Indigenous peoples, their fates are increasingly bound together.

  • Magazine

    Attawapiskat, revisited

    Our northern communities are rich because they know their languages. They are rich because they have strong connections to their land. They are rich because at least some of their lands exist in a natural state.

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    Not help, but solidarity

    The Silence of Our Friends asks important questions. How are racist attitudes internalized or rejected by children? What does it take to earn the trust of others across boundary lines marked by race privilege? And, how can we make progress in the struggle against oppression?

  • Magazine

    Toward sexual self-determination

    What You Really Really Want is a powerful tool for radically transforming how we understand and navigate the complexities of our own sexuality.