• Sask Dispatch

    State of the unions

    Militancy, “negative solidarity,” and fighting to win in Saskatchewan and Canada’s labour movement

  • Online-only

    IWW members are transforming Montreal’s community sector

    Since a team of workers took over the STTIC’s executive board a year ago, they’ve been making the union more democratic and militant, following the model of the Industrial Workers of the World.

  • Magazine

    The implicit militancy of gardening

    After two months on strike, CUPE 3903 members were feeling worn out. That changed when, one night – armed with a Rototiller, under cover of darkness – they decided to plant a community garden on the picket line.

  • Magazine


    71 years ago, India promised to let the people of Kashmir choose to join India or Pakistan. In the absence of the referendum, protestors in Indian-occupied Kashmir are voicing their desire for freedom by showing up in the thousands to the funerals of separatist militants. But 2018 has been the bloodiest year in a decade inside Indian-occupied Kashmir.

  • Online-only

    Are there “good protesters” and “bad protesters”?

    How can we adopt the best practices for protest without creating divisions among activists and those in the struggle?

  • Magazine

    Escalating a picket line

    Militancy and real solidarity are essential if workers are to gain leverage in labour disputes.