• Magazine

    Desire path

    A photo essay on displacement, grief, and Land Back in the Philippines

  • A digital illustration of a tree planter in a coal mine surrounded by green hills. The sky is blue and cloudy. The tree planter is standing to the left of the image, wearing blue pants, a red and orange shirt, and a yellow hat. They have a beige bag with plants inside slung over their shoulder. They're looking at the coal mine and three of their colleagues at work planting trees in the distance.

    Planting trees in a coal mine

    Reclaiming mines is touted as an essential part of a just transition. But in Teck’s B.C. coal mines, two tree planters were left asking: were they part of reclamation, or greenwashing?

  • Magazine

    Money rock

    Under the peatland and permafrost of northern Ontario lies some $60–$120 billion worth of copper, nickel, and chromite. The Ontario government is hell-bent on passing the Far North Act and mining the so-called Ring of Fire, but the Anishinaabayg have a sacred responsibility to protect the land, and with it, their language.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Protecting the peatlands

    A new proposal would mine peat from northern Saskatchewan muskegs for 80 years. Locals say it would be both devastating to the environment and a violation of Treaty Rights.

  • Magazine

    A remedy for climate grief

    Unearthing Justice is the handbook Canada’s environmental movement needs. Anna Bianca Roach reviews Joan Kuyek’s new book about the mining industry and its discontents.

  • Magazine

    AMLO’s contradiction

    Mexico’s new president promised “the end of neoliberalism.” But as he forces through megaprojects and steamrolls over Indigenous dissent, activists are beginning to understand that anti-neoliberal doesn’t always mean anti-capitalist.

  • A man sits outside one of the many bars that have opened in San Marcos that cater to miners working in the Marlin Mine

    Something in the water

    As Canadian mining giant Goldcorp closes its Marlin mine, it’s walking away from fears of chemical contamination and deep social rifts in the once tight-knit Indigenous communities of rural Guatemala.

  • Online-only

    Who will publish eulogies for the victims of Barrick Gold?

    On Peter Munk’s dark legacy

  • Magazine

    After Brazil’s Worst Mining Disaster

    How workers and activists are rebuilding their local economy in the aftermath of one of the world’s most devastating mining tragedies.

  • Magazine

    Miners, activists, and struggle in Halkidiki

    Messages from a community in northern Greece fighting a Canadian mining giant.

  • Magazine

    Traded for Gold

    Caving to international pressure at the height of the Greek debt crisis, Syriza approved a Canadian mining operation in the Skouries forest despite the local fight against it.

  • Magazine

    Of Miners and Land Defenders

    When the Canadian mining corporation B2Gold set up shop in a small Nicaraguan town with the government’s blessing, a local group of land defenders began to organize.

  • Magazine

    Energy Series: Surface Mining

    Winner of the 2016 Writing in the Margins contest for poetry.

  • Magazine

    Indigenous Farmers Confront Canada’s Goldcorp

    The Maya-Mam people of northwestern Guatemala are struggling to protect the land and water.

  • Magazine

    Tragic yet hopeful tales of inner struggle and solidarity

    Rock Reject shares the chance to share the stories of the ghosts of Cassiar, tales of inner struggle and political solidarity that are tragic but ultimately hopeful.