• Magazine

    physics lessons for settlers

    nowhere is a prison / is a psych ward / is a suicide / is a death / from ‘natural causes’ is a mass grave

  • Online-only

    Seven key learnings from the MMIWG legal analysis on genocide

    In June, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) concluded that Canada had committed genocide against Indigenous peoples. Algonquin Anishinaabe scholar Lynn Gehl summarizes her key learnings from the report’s legal analysis of genocide.

  • Magazine

    Reserved for the Beast

    “If Canada wants to live up to its lie of a reputation / then there at least needs to be justice involvement. / The way of Indigenous life / has become learning to live with injustice.” Best of Regina winner of our ninth annual Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Saskatoon welcomes premiers with climate justice protest

    While Canada’s premiers visit Saskatoon, Treaty 6 territory, activists are camping out for four days in Kiwanis Memorial Park to urge action on climate change.

  • Online-only

    The Canadian state seems like an immovable object. But Indigenous women are an unstoppable force.

    It’s been barely two weeks since the federal government released the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. And yet, amid an admission of genocide, the colonial project continues apace; its existence met with celebration for another year.

  • Magazine


    “there is a scene in smoke signals where the sad native boy cries as he pours his father over bridge into / roaring angry always been there river / and i could not help but picture myself entangling in the meander.” Poetry winner of the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    Colonial courts and settler justice

    Most days during Gerald Stanley’s trial, the courtroom could be cut in half: the white half – family and supporters of the accused – and the brown half – family and supporters of the victim.

  • Magazine

    The New Threat Threshold

    What Project SITKA reveals about the basis of pernicious surveillance of Indigenous activists

  • Online-only

    Who Are We Marching For?

    Lessons from Vancouver’s Women’s March on Washington.

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    “Those Drunk Indians”

    The partner of a First Nations woman reflects on the Canadian racism that dehumanizes Indigenous women and perpetuates violence and injustice.

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    Stolen Sisters, Sex Workers, and Conservative Saviours

    The Conservative government’s rhetoric on missing and murdered Indigenous women and sex workers creates victims in order to silence women.