• Magazine

    Who is the NDP for?

    Rule changes, hostile colleagues, and a lack of democracy – Anjali Appadurai, Kaitlyn Harvey, and Navjot Kaur share their experiences organizing and running with the NDP.

  • Magazine

    Show me the socialists

    The Democratic Socialists of America Canada Twitter account was fake – but its popularity was not. What’s the power of socialist branding to shape a movement?

  • Magazine

    Politics for the present and for the future

    In a recent article, Vijay Prashad argues that the challenge of the left is to be both present- and future-oriented at once. As the federal election looms, that’s what I’ve tried to do in this issue of Briarpatch.

  • Magazine

    From community organizing to electoral politics

    As we stare down a climate crisis and a hard-right political wave, women activists are setting out to transform electoral politics in Canada. But are the parties ready for them?

  • Magazine

    Is voting really “harm reduction”?

    People who say “voting is harm reduction” wrongly assume that in the lead-up to elections, all we can do is vote for the least-bad candidate or party.

  • Online-only

    We will take this party back

    To those who oppose us, young NDP organizers calling for Erin Weir’s resignation, I say: How dare you discourage young people from demanding a better party?

  • Online-only

    Will Sask NDP support oil industry or Indigenous land rights?

    Indigenous peoples and activists are expected to “wait and see” after Meili hires longtime oil industry manager as Chief of Staff.

  • Online-only

    Dear Erin Weir, what are you doing?

    Doubling down in the face of harassment allegations isn’t helping anyone.

  • Online-only

    Can the NDP help millennials?

    NDP MP Niki Ashton has wrapped up her national tour on the problem of precarious work facing millennials in Canada. Should we hold out hope for an NDP-led solution to working class precarity among young people?

  • Magazine

    Lessons from Clare

    A principled life on the political left.

  • Online-only

    A note to Alberta’s grassroots about NDP governments

    Alberta’s grassroots must carve out critical distance from the NDP.

  • Online-only

    Election Day in Alberta – and Beyond

    Electoral politics and grassroots movement building are often at odds; significant change in Alberta will hinge on independent organizing.

  • Online-only

    What is to be done about the Ontario NDP?

    Evaluating the provincial election and what’s next for Ontario’s left.

  • Online-only

    Thomas Mulcair should drop acid

    I know it sounds desperate, but a hallucination or two might open up his mind a bit. Perhaps he’ll realize that he who plays good cop forges his own hand cuffs.