November/December 2016 cover

Labour issue

Racialized women are at the forefront of the $15 and Fairness campaign. The natural resource sector views Indigenous peoples as surplus labour. Mexico’s teachers strike against neoliberal education reforms. Are we paying attention to the postal workers defending a public post office? Indigenous women’s nursing labour as a site of decolonization. Where labour laws have left Atlantic Canada’s young and precarious workers. Plus an interview with our writing contest judges, Joseph Boyden and Erín Moure, a vintage book review, and more!

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    Mexico’s Education Standoff

    When Mexican teachers went on strike to protest President Enrique Peña Nieto’s neoliberal education reforms, the state, backed by major financial institutions, cracked down in a bloody attempt at democratic suppression. What does the teachers’ fight signal for the future of public education?

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    The Kids Are All Right, But They Need Your Help

    The decks are stacked against young people and the last thing they need is your hate.

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    Marx Was Right

    Marx predicted that capitalists will always try to push down wages and undercut working conditions. He was right, and the working class can push back if it builds power broadly and intersectionally.

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    Everything Goes Up But Pay

    Racialized women are at the forefront of labour’s most promising campaign.

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    Regression Analysis

    In Atlantic Canada, where a succession of corporate-compliant provincial governments have created an environment conducive to scabbing and receptive to the business lobby, workers are bargaining not with employers, but with fear, fragmentation, and poor prospects for a stable future of work.

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    Accumulation by Dispossession

    Corporations are after the resource-rich land – not sustainable, fair employment.

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    Revisiting a book published in 1989 shows us that racialized women’s domestic labour continues to be legislated exploitation.

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    The Indigenous Nurses Who Decolonized Health Care

    Few Indigenous labour history studies, especially in the post-fur trade era, focus on Indigenous women’s work, but labour functioned as a colonial tool to strip Indigenous people of title and status. Indigenous women faced the worst moral and social regulation, racism, and sexism at work, and so Indigenous women’s labour became a site of resistance to patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. The history of Indigenous nurses’ organizing was especially revolutionary.

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    Challenging the Mail Gaze

    Are we paying enough attention to the postal workers’ fight for a robust and public postal service?

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    Writing Across Borders

    Briarpatch editor Tanya Andrusieczko caught up with our sixth annual writing contest judges to talk history, habits, politics, and writing.