• Magazine

    Land Back Camp: Our Voices

    Portraits of the Indigenous people and settlers of O:se Kenhionhata:tie, the camp that reclaimed land in Victoria Park and Waterloo Park for six months of 2020.

  • Magazine

    100 years of land struggle

    A timeline of Land Back events from the past century

  • Online-only

    Khalil Abu Yahia: Dispatch from Palestine on COVID-19

    “If you don’t put the maximum pressure on Israel to lift the siege right now, Gaza will become a graveyard.” Khalil Abu Yahia, a 24 year-old English teacher in Gaza City, reflects on life under the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Online-only

    Asmaa Tayeh: Dispatch from Palestine on COVID-19

    “We don’t have the capacity or equipment to keep us safe from this virus. It will spread very easily, and we will start to see the numbers here that we’ve been seeing in Italy and Spain.” Asmaa Tayeh, living in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in the north of the Gaza strip, reflects on life under the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Online-only

    Indigenous youth are rising up in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en

    They’ve been occupying the B.C. legislature for over 100 hours in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation – and the youth movement has been spreading rapidly across Turtle Island.

  • Online-only

    Fighting antisemitism today

    Why did IfNotNow Toronto have to defend their antisemitism training against other Jews? The answer lies in the left and the right’s competing definitions of antisemitism.

  • Magazine

    In mourning

    Do we use our mourning to install cops in our holy places? Or do we use it to galvanize us to rise up against occupation, against land theft, against the corporations that would profit from our destitution and death?

  • Magazine


    71 years ago, India promised to let the people of Kashmir choose to join India or Pakistan. In the absence of the referendum, protestors in Indian-occupied Kashmir are voicing their desire for freedom by showing up in the thousands to the funerals of separatist militants. But 2018 has been the bloodiest year in a decade inside Indian-occupied Kashmir.