• Magazine

    Pushing pipeline ownership onto First Nations

    How industry and governments hatched plans to pass the most contentious pieces of resource industry infrastructure onto First Nations

  • A photo of downtown Ottawa. Against a background of skyscrapers, huge trucks are parked, facing the camera. A multitude of signs lean up against them, with slogans like

    The oil industry’s Frankenstein

    How Canada’s oil industry birthed the Freedom Convoy and a far-right movement

  • Sask Dispatch

    We can’t back down from Renewable Regina

    After interference from the premier and an uproar from residents, several Regina city councilors have signaled that they will back down from a proposed amendment barring fossil fuel companies from advertising in the city. Saba Dar explains why there will always be resistance to transition, and why we can’t let that stop us.

  • Magazine

    Manufacturing Wet’suwet’en consent

    Why the Canadian government and industry are doing everything they can to avoid consulting with hereditary leadership on Wet’suwet’en yintah

  • Magazine

    Canada and the crisis of capitalism

    150 years ago, Karl Marx observed that crisis is encoded in capitalism’s DNA. Today, Canadian capitalism has entered another period of serious volatility – one that may culminate in a crisis even deeper than that of 2008.

  • Online-only

    Unpacking the Coastal GasLink injunction and its omissions

    How one Canadian judge justified violent theft of Wet’suwet’en land

  • Online-only

    Indigenous youth are rising up in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en

    They’ve been occupying the B.C. legislature for over 100 hours in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation – and the youth movement has been spreading rapidly across Turtle Island.

  • Online-only

    Police protect corporations, not people

    From Wet’suwet’en to the Co-op refinery picket line, cops are acting as a central impediment to a liveable climate future

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    CLC throws support behind locked-out Refinery Co-op workers

    After Unifor National president Jerry Dias was arrested on the Refinery Co-op picket line, the president of the Canadian Labour Congress flew in to support locked-out Unifor 594 members. It comes almost exactly two years after a bitter split, when Unifor disaffiliated from the CLC.

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    University of Regina refuses to name funders of fossil fuel research

    Professor Emily Eaton is taking the University of Regina to court to force the University to release details of funding for research related to oil, gas, coal, petroleum, carbon capture, climate change, and alternative energy.

  • Magazine

    Bodies on the Line

    Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline replacement slices through the southern half of Saskatchewan, but there’s little Indigenous opposition in the province. To mount our own fight, we’ll have to learn from other Indigenous resistance efforts along the pipeline’s route.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Decarbonized, democratized, decolonized

    The NDP’s climate plan is too little, too late. Saskatchewan’s Just Transitions Summit brought people together to envision a more radical grassroots strategy.

  • Magazine

    Oil & water

    In Newfoundland and Labrador, workers look to transition out of oil and gas, into renewable energy. But as these industries charge forward, Inuit activists are also struggling to protect their land and water.

  • Magazine

    Checking in with the oil crowd

    The conference guidebook for the 50th annual Global Petroleum Show tells me we’re here “CELEBRATING THE FUTURE OF ENERGY.” Excuse my skepticism.

  • Magazine

    Saskatchewan’s Earthbound Climate Action

    In oil-producing southeast Saskatchewan, people’s doubts about climate change reflect the real economic pressures they face.

  • Magazine

    Troubling portrait of an oil province

    Review of new film Crude Power: Oil, Money & Influence in Saskatchewan

  • Magazine

    Inside Saskatchewan’s Oil Economy

    How are workers in the oil and gas industry affected by Saskaboom’s bust?

  • Magazine

    The battles in New Brunswick

    A grassroots Mi’kmaq resurgence is bypassing Indian Act leaders to protect the land and confront the colonial power that operates through the revolving door between government and industry.