• Magazine

    On Opium: An intoxicating call to arms against the War on Drugs

    In Carlyn Zwarenstein’s new book, “On Opium,” she forces us to reconsider everything we’ve ever thought about pain and opioids. Her call to action is unmistakable: policies that criminalize and dehumanize drug users will continue to drive the opioid crisis.

  • Online-only

    Comic: No police at overdoses

    Police often show up at overdose scenes when someone calls 911 – despite the fact that police presence has not been requested nor is it warranted. This short comic illustrates some of the findings of a new report on Canada’s Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act.

  • Sask Dispatch

    On the Prairies, the drug crisis is not opioids, but meth

    Almost everything about stimulants like meth is different from opioids. And Saskatchewan is woefully unprepared to care for the rising number of people seeking treatment for meth addiction.

  • Magazine

    Fighting for Space

    The history of the harm reduction movement is one of direct action and protest – an “act first, ask second” attitude that was the only reasonable response to an outbreak of preventable disease and a crisis of premature deaths. Nicholas Olson reviews Fighting for Space, by Travis Lupick.

  • Magazine

    The Second Crisis

    How workers on the front lines of Canada’s opioid crisis are coping – and what organized labour can do to support them.

  • Magazine

    Defying the War on Drugs

    Harm reduction workers are building the infrastructure to respond to the opioid crisis.