• Magazine

    Bursting the ethanol bubble

    Ethanol’s environmental credentials are dubious at best. Governments everywhere have managed to ignore this mounting evidence. Instead, they have piled aboard the ethanol bandwagon, plowing significant amounts of taxpayer dollars into the production of ethanol and other “biofuels,” claiming this will help both the environment and farmers’ net incomes.

  • Magazine

    Naturally suspicious

    Does the rise of the “naturals” industry represent a small step in the right direction or merely a distraction from a much larger problem?

  • Magazine

    Dinner plate ethics

    As long as hunting is dismissed as unethical while the act of paying for food at the grocery store is seen as benign, we are unlikely to make much progress

  • Magazine

    Alternative routes

    Shayna and Dominique have just set out on a cross-Canada trip to seek out intentional communities and learn from their experiences. They’ll be blogging about what they find right here on www.briarpatchmagazine.com.