• Magazine

    A world of many worlds

    Is the idea of Indigenous sovereignty really in conflict with the well-being of migrant communities? A review of “Home Rule: National Sovereignty and the Separation of Natives and Migrants.”

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    Reviving Indigenous authorities in Guatemala

    In Guatemala, traditional Indigenous governments are battling municipalities and transnational corporations for control of their land

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    Tarsands vs. treaty

    The Beaver Lake Cree Nation is taking on the tarsands, arguing that they represent too much industrial development in the face of constitutionally protected treaty rights.

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    “Indigenizing” child apprehension

    In Ontario’s Indigenous child welfare agencies, the superficial trappings of culture take the place of policies that would grant jurisdiction over Indigenous children to Indigenous families, individuals, and communities.

  • Magazine

    This story is redress

    I have a memory. At least I think it’s a memory – it’s hard to tell sometimes between dreams, nightmares, visions, and memories. I’m choosing memory because it feels like a memory.

  • Magazine

    Making love under Indian Acts

    How can we have reconciliation if we are terminating the people whom settlers have to reconcile with?

  • Online-only

    To be a warrior

    What it really means when Indigenous protesters say “Bring back our children.” An interview with Chasity Delorme and Prescott Demas from Camp: Justice For Our Stolen Children.

  • Online-only

    Dismantle the AFN – before it causes any more damage to Indigenous sovereignty

    No matter who’s elected national chief, the AFN is fundamentally flawed, and beyond being saved by reforms.

  • Magazine


    Through the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, the Canadian government took thousands of First Nations children from their families and placed them in white foster homes. I was one of them. Alienated from my language, culture, and community, I was taught to hate my people.

  • Magazine

    Colonial courts and settler justice

    Most days during Gerald Stanley’s trial, the courtroom could be cut in half: the white half – family and supporters of the accused – and the brown half – family and supporters of the victim.

  • Ken and Arlene Boon. Photo by Louis Bockner.

    Silencing Opposition of the Site C Dam

    Protesters of the Site C dam in the Peace River Valley are facing a civil suit from both BC Hydro and the B.C. government.

  • Magazine

    INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE at the Winnipeg Art Gallery

    The largest contemporary Indigenous art exhibition in the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s history, INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE is framed as an act of rebellion and a revitalization of Indigenous culture that challenges dominant Western methods of artmaking and presentation.

  • Online-only

    We can’t talk about reconciliation while we’re still justifying killing Indigenous people

    Colten Boushie’s killing and Gerald Stanley’s acquittal make it clear: justice has nothing to do with lip service, and everything to do with tangible action.

  • Online-only

    Land-based Resistance at the Unist’ot’en Camp

    The Unist’ot’en continue to square off with pipeline companies and the RCMP.

  • Magazine

    “To Take the Land Away From the Children”

    The Klabona Keepers are a small group of Tahltan families and Elders in northwestern B.C. who have been taking direct action to defend their traditional territories from mining and drilling projects since 2005.

  • Magazine

    The Meaning of Elections for Six Nations

    The conflict between the hereditary leadership and the elected band council on the largest reserve in Canada provides an education in colonialism.

  • Magazine

    Exploitation at First Nations University of Canada

    Sessional instructors at FNUniv, a federated college of the University of Regina, are paid less than other sessionals at the U of R.

  • Magazine

    Canada’s Indian Policy is a Process of Deception

    From changes in status recognition to land claims agreements, Canada’s Indian policy demonstrates the cunning of a colonial state.

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    “The more they oppress, the less safe they feel”

    Bridging Palestine solidarity work with Indigenous struggles in Canada.

  • Magazine

    Immigrant Health & Social Power: An interview with Harsha Walia

    What forces shape the health of immigrants and refugees in Canada?