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    Transcript of Briarpatch’s “Covid-19, Recession, & the Future” webinar

    A full transcript of Briarpatch’s webinar with David McNally, Isaac Murdoch, Nandita Sharma, John Clarke, and David Camfield on the global COVID-19 and economic crises.

  • Online-only

    “It’s a crisis of legitimacy for the capitalist system itself”

    Briarpatch hosted a discussion between David McNally, Isaac Murdoch, Nandita Sharma, John Clarke, and David Camfield on the global COVID-19 and economic crises. Here are the key take-aways.

  • Is Saskatchewan doing enough for workers during COVID-19?

    Saskatchewan’s freezing evictions and Trudeau’s promising $2,000 to laid-off workers. But activists are calling for cancelling rent and more protections for workers.

  • Magazine

    Double dare

    As another recession looms, the left must be ready when it hits – with anti-capitalist theory that can tell people why we’ve had 12 economic crises in the last century alone, why the rich just get richer each time, and why it’s working class people who always lose. 

  • Magazine

    Canada and the crisis of capitalism

    150 years ago, Karl Marx observed that crisis is encoded in capitalism’s DNA. Today, Canadian capitalism has entered another period of serious volatility – one that may culminate in a crisis even deeper than that of 2008.

  • Magazine

    “This is not charity, this is solidarity”

    Resource Movement asks – earnestly – how can a group of rich kids help advance social justice movements?

  • A watercolour illustration. A path winds towards mountains in the distance. In the foreground, the path is surrounded by clocks, plants, and books.

    The climate case for working less

    The argument for a reduced work week asks: why do we work to produce so much more than we can possibly use? Why not work less, waste less, distribute better, and enjoy the age of abundance that we’ve been promised?

  • Magazine

    Politics for the present and for the future

    In a recent article, Vijay Prashad argues that the challenge of the left is to be both present- and future-oriented at once. As the federal election looms, that’s what I’ve tried to do in this issue of Briarpatch.

  • Magazine

    Revolutionary dreamwork

    Today’s left wins when we challenge the right’s cruel and exclusionary imagination with more just, more beautiful world-making projects of our own.

  • Magazine

    AMLO’s contradiction

    Mexico’s new president promised “the end of neoliberalism.” But as he forces through megaprojects and steamrolls over Indigenous dissent, activists are beginning to understand that anti-neoliberal doesn’t always mean anti-capitalist.

  • Magazine

    The rise of the real estate state

    Whose interests guide the state apparatus that sets the parameters of city development? Yutaka Dirks reviews Samuel Stein’s Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State.

  • Magazine

    Just transition: a vision and a plan

    Around us, we see fear and uncertainty about the world that is coming into being. This issue of Briarpatch came from a desire to articulate a hopeful vision of the future, and a plan for how to get there by addressing interwoven social and environmental crises.

  • Magazine

    What’s in a just transition?

    We convened a roundtable of activists from different movements to talk about what a just transition means to them, and what it looks like on the ground.

  • Magazine

    Qu’est-ce que la décroissance?

    Pour les partisans de la décroissance, il est urgent que nos sociétés rompent avec la course à la croissance économique avant que les limites biophysiques de notre planète ne nous imposent une décroissance forcée et brutale. Aujourd’hui, le mouvement fleurit au Québec.

  • Magazine

    Confronting economic barriers to a just transition

    I sat down with six economists to ask them two pressing questions: first, what are the biggest economic barriers to a just transition in Canada and, second, how do we overcome them?

  • Magazine

    A nursery tale of the sea

    “There is a Sunday quietness / to the sea with just one diseased whale with sad, ulcerous eye / and her dead calf swirling around the tepid / teacup of brown water.” Best of Regina winner of the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    The theft of the present

    Winnipeg has been shaped by settler city planners and capitalists who sidelined Indigenous plans for decolonized urban development. Emily Leedham reviews Stolen City: Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg by Owen Toews.

  • Magazine

    The lie of anti-consumerism

    Anti-consumerism is a noxious, tone-deaf, and fundamentally reactionary concept that absolves capitalism of its crimes – and should quickly be banished from serious leftist discourse.

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    Seeing a strike on the big screen

    Sorry To Bother You shows why we need anti-capitalist art that’s both radical and popular.

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    The students of Nicaragua’s April uprising

    Autoconvocados – self-organized student protesters – are mobilizing against the repressive Ortega government. But their movement threatens to fall into the hands of nationalists and pro-capitalists.