• Online-only

    Suppress the virus now!

    The Ontario government’s idea that we need to “learn to live with” COVID-19 is murderous abandonment of vulnerable people. Instead, the left should mobilize around a clear demand: our governments must adopt aggressive suppression of COVID-19.

  • Magazine

    The labour of care

    When the pandemic took hold in March, the nature of my work as a doctor in remote communities in northern Quebec and Ontario changed drastically. The practice of medicine is defined by coping with uncertainty, but few had experienced the scope of the ambiguity through which we lurched. 

  • Magazine

    The postmasters and the pandemic

    With more people working and shopping remotely, the rural post office is not just a quaint village fixture; it is vital infrastructure. But will decision-makers, focused on vote-dense urban Canada, pay attention?

  • A community response to COVID-19

    As lockdown eases, a group providing assistance to Elders and seniors during COVID-19 is rethinking what community support looks like during the long arc of the pandemic.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Roundtable on reopening Saskatchewan schools

    The controversial reopening plan for Saskatchewan public schools has seen educators, students, and parents hit the streets in protests. Four of them shared their concerns about the Sask Party’s plans with Sask Dispatch.

  • Sask Dispatch

    When collecting CERB means losing disability benefits

    In Saskatchewan, disabled people on income assistance live off barely half of what the feds’ COVID-19 benefit promises, an amount below the provincial poverty line.

  • Online-only

    As millions suffer from the pandemic, who’s getting rich?

    Who’s making bank off COVID-19, and who’s fighting back? A summary of Resource Movement and Briarpatch’s webinar, “Pandemic Profiteers & the Movements Trying to Stop Them”

  • Online-only

    COVID-19 is raging through Quebec prisons

    Prisoners are locked in their cells 24 hours a day, with no running water and guards who refuse to wear PPE. Some are comparing federal prisons, where populations are older, to long-term care homes, the site of the province’s most severe outbreaks.

  • Online-only

    Collective action is essential

    From socially-distanced protests to virtual union drives, five vital signs of worker organizing during COVID-19