• Sask Dispatch

    Business in Wascana violates Master Plan and threatens the park’s future

    A Master Plan was put in place to ensure the integrity of Regina’s iconic park, but over the past few years, the plan has been undermined and business has begun to encroach on public space.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A culture of perpetration”: what’s behind sexual violence in Saskatchewan

    Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan released an in-depth report on sexual violence in the province. The report has been three years in the making, and it provides insights into the nature and the cause of sexual violence in Saskatchewan.

  • Magazine

    Great Manitoba

    The massive fraud at The Pas is a modest entry in the annals of Canadian racial capitalism. In light of the town’s history of Cree and Métis political action, it could be said that a quarter-billion dollars were stolen out of the mouths of children, from over the heads of families, from people seeking meaningful work in the prime of life.

  • Magazine

    Reviving Indigenous authorities in Guatemala

    In Guatemala, traditional Indigenous governments are battling municipalities and transnational corporations for control of their land

  • Online-only

    Transcript of Briarpatch’s “Covid-19, Recession, & the Future” webinar

    A full transcript of Briarpatch’s webinar with David McNally, Isaac Murdoch, Nandita Sharma, John Clarke, and David Camfield on the global COVID-19 and economic crises.

  • Online-only

    “It’s a crisis of legitimacy for the capitalist system itself”

    Briarpatch hosted a discussion between David McNally, Isaac Murdoch, Nandita Sharma, John Clarke, and David Camfield on the global COVID-19 and economic crises. Here are the key take-aways.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Northern forests on the chopping block

    Logging has nearly quadrupled in the last 10 years, and northern residents are raising red flags about the pace of clear-cutting

  • Sask Dispatch

    Saskatoon welcomes premiers with climate justice protest

    While Canada’s premiers visit Saskatoon, Treaty 6 territory, activists are camping out for four days in Kiwanis Memorial Park to urge action on climate change.

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    Sask Wildfire operations funding remains “inadequate”

    Despite minor funding hikes for wildfire operations over the past four years, the budget this year is only three-quarters of what it was in 2007-08. As wildfires become more frequent and serious, what is our government going to do about it?

  • Magazine

    From community organizing to electoral politics

    As we stare down a climate crisis and a hard-right political wave, women activists are setting out to transform electoral politics in Canada. But are the parties ready for them?

  • Magazine

    Transition and resistance in the Global South

    People in the Global South are least responsible for climate change historically but suffer most from its impacts. Here are four snapshots of struggles for just transition in the Global South.

  • Magazine

    The climate crisis calls for a planetary politics

    By this, I mean: a world democratic socialist republic

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    Geothermal power plant to be built with $25.6 million from feds

    A major geothermal power generation facility is set to be built in Estevan, SK, Treaty 4 territory.

  • Magazine

    The leftist’s case against the carbon tax

    It’s a fundamentally libertarian policy – and one that tends to just piss people off, not invigorate them about the possibility of a just and sustainable future.

  • Online-only

    The far right, the hard right, and our fight against them

    What’s the difference between the hard right and the far right, and how do we limit their growth in Canada?

  • Magazine

    The Oil Industry’s PR Offensive

    A climate justice journalist heads to the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary to see how the industry is pushing its messages, and who is doing doing the heavy lifting.

  • Online-only

    The students of Nicaragua’s April uprising

    Autoconvocados – self-organized student protesters – are mobilizing against the repressive Ortega government. But their movement threatens to fall into the hands of nationalists and pro-capitalists.

  • Online-only

    Who will commemorate the Nakba in Canada?

    Trudeau recently celebrated the birthday of Israel while remaining silent on the 700,000 Palestinians that were driven out of their homes. Why is the Canadian government so dead-set on ignoring Israel’s past and present human rights abuses?

  • Magazine

    Oil’s Deep State

    The fossil fuel industry has the Canadian government by the throat – but it’s been a long time coming. Joseph Laforest reviews Oil’s Deep State, by Kevin Taft.

  • Online-only

    How do we intervene in the Ontario elections?

    Five Ontario activists on how to change the message and build resistance before and after the 2018 election.