• Magazine

    Canada 150 Opposed in Katarokwi

    Idle No More–Kingston/Katarokwi is building momentum against the celebrations around John A. Macdonald and Canada 150.

  • Magazine

    Land and the Food that Grows On It

    Out of a history of colonial food weaponization emerges a thriving movement of Indigenous food sovereignty.

  • Magazine

    Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody

    How does the settler state use the legal apparatus of inquests to justify colonialism?

  • Magazine

    Against the Pipeline Prerogative

    The National Energy Board is the regulatory body that determines whether (and which) pipelines will pump bitumen across Canada. As an extension of a colonial project that violates Indigenous land and consent, the NEB is up against Indigenous women and their allies leading the fight against pipelines.

  • Magazine

    Living Death

    Winner of the 2016 Writing in the Margins Contest for creative non-fiction.

  • Magazine

    White Woman’s Burden

    Excerpt from Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism and History, published by Verso in 1992, 2015.

  • Magazine

    Making a Living on the Trapline

    With the support of a new government program, trappers are reviving the traditional economy in the Northwest Territories.

  • Online-only

    Food Crisis in Nunavut Prompts Call to Action on January 31

    A call to action from Feeding My Family.

  • Online-only

    Locked Arms & Open Hearts (For Ayotzinapa)

    Students from the Okanagan Valley mobilize for Ayotzinapa

  • Magazine

    Hijacked canoes and settler ships

    Is Indigenous land reclamation a form of environmentalism? How does Indigenous resurgence relate to left-wing political traditions?