• Sask Dispatch

    Roundtable on reopening Saskatchewan schools

    The controversial reopening plan for Saskatchewan public schools has seen educators, students, and parents hit the streets in protests. Four of them shared their concerns about the Sask Party’s plans with Sask Dispatch.

  • “We have buried too many”: A Q&A with Tristen Durocher

    Durocher, a 24-year-old Métis fiddler, has walked from Air Ronge to begin a hunger strike on the lawn of the Saskatchewan Legislature, demanding resources for suicide prevention.

  • The great Saskatchewan tuition crisis

    Tuition rates have grown by leaps and bounds – and so has student debt. How do we reverse the trend?

  • Sask Dispatch

    When collecting CERB means losing disability benefits

    In Saskatchewan, disabled people on income assistance live off barely half of what the feds’ COVID-19 benefit promises, an amount below the provincial poverty line.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Emergency rally for Black lives draws hundreds

    As uprisings in support of Black Lives Matter continue across North America and the world, hundreds gathered in front of the Saskatchewan Legislature to show solidarity and call for justice.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A culture of perpetration”: what’s behind sexual violence in Saskatchewan

    Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan released an in-depth report on sexual violence in the province. The report has been three years in the making, and it provides insights into the nature and the cause of sexual violence in Saskatchewan.

  • Sask Dispatch

    State of the unions

    Militancy, “negative solidarity,” and fighting to win in Saskatchewan and Canada’s labour movement

  • Sask Dispatch

    Three times P3s screwed over Saskatchewan

    As Saskatchewan shows, when you allow private companies to make bank on the backs of the public, it’s the people who pay.

  • Sask Dispatch

    On the Prairies, the drug crisis is not opioids, but meth

    Almost everything about stimulants like meth is different from opioids. And Saskatchewan is woefully unprepared to care for the rising number of people seeking treatment for meth addiction.

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    FreshCo contracts “a complete downgrade” for workers

    As four Sask. Safeway stores convert to FreshCos, workers are looking at lower wages, fewer entitlements, and fewer benefits

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina’s 92-million-dollar problem

    A crisis of underfunded social programs leads to an increased crime rate, which is used to justify ballooning police budgets. Activists are making the case for defunding the police.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Does Saskatchewan need a citizen watchdog for the police?

    A fatal police-involved shooting has prompted calls for Saskatchewan to create an independent citizen oversight body. But what if most civilian committees aren’t made up solely of civilians at all?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Northern forests on the chopping block

    Logging has nearly quadrupled in the last 10 years, and northern residents are raising red flags about the pace of clear-cutting

  • Sask Dispatch

    The sorry state of abortion access in Saskatchewan

    From lack of access in rural and northern areas to an astonishing number of homegrown anti-abortion politicians, Saskatchewan is ground zero for attacks on reproductive rights.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Saskatoon welcomes premiers with climate justice protest

    While Canada’s premiers visit Saskatoon, Treaty 6 territory, activists are camping out for four days in Kiwanis Memorial Park to urge action on climate change.

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    Sask Wildfire operations funding remains “inadequate”

    Despite minor funding hikes for wildfire operations over the past four years, the budget this year is only three-quarters of what it was in 2007-08. As wildfires become more frequent and serious, what is our government going to do about it?

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    Checking in two years after the end of NORTEP and NORPAC

    In 2017 the Sask Party cut funding and eliminated the Northern Teacher Education Program and the Northern Professional Access College. What’s been the impact on Indigenous language learning and access to education?

  • Sask Dispatch

    What happened to the Co-op?

    The Co-op was founded on principles of equality and solidarity. But now workers and members say management is trying to run it “like a corporation.” How did we get here?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Will the labour movement lead the charge for a just transition in Sask?

    It’s past time for serious planning in Saskatchewan toward a just transition. The question remains: will unions take the lead before it’s too late – and which union will lead the charge?

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    How do we close the renewable energy gap for low-income people?

    Low-income people spend more money on energy costs. Regina’s Wascana Solar Co-op is thinking about how to make renewable energy accessible for low-income people.