• Magazine

    Talking about Creation on Native Land

    What is the relationship between Christian faith and colonialism in Canada today?

  • Magazine

    Unmasking the Canadian Settler State

    Are Canada’s politics of Indigenous recognition simply a liberal reworking of ongoing colonialism?

  • Online-only

    I was racially profiled, roughed up, & detained by police for being Indigenous

    It’s time to speak out.

  • Online-only

    Indict the System: Indigenous & Black Resistance

    The correct emotional response to state violence targeting Indigenous and Black families is rage.

  • Magazine

    Gabor Maté: How Capitalism Makes Us Sick

    Two physicians discuss the political economy of human well-being.

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    A Call to the South from Baffin Island

    The Inuit community of Clyde River on Baffin Island is fighting to stop offshore seismic testing.

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    Indigenous Farmers Confront Canada’s Goldcorp

    The Maya-Mam people of northwestern Guatemala are struggling to protect the land and water.

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    Rejecting a gold mine and saving the land

    The Tsilhqot’in Nation’s successful efforts to stop a copper and gold mine at Fish Lake.

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    The battles in New Brunswick

    A grassroots Mi’kmaq resurgence is bypassing Indian Act leaders to protect the land and confront the colonial power that operates through the revolving door between government and industry.

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    Chevron’s Pacific Trail Pipeline is the one to stop this summer

    Stopping Chevron’s Pacific Trail Pipeline this summer could be a decisive event in the history of pipeline resistance.

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    Decolonizing the emergency

    Amid the crisis of violence against Indigenous women in Canada,13 Blackfoot women in southern Alberta participate in a unique project to decolonize women’s emergency shelters.

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    Clearing the plains

    Famine was a deliberate policy weapon used to coerce “unco-operative Indians” onto reserves and remove them from lands coveted by white settlers.

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    Courting collaboration

    Pinehouse residents Fred Pederson, John Smerek, and Dale Smith all feel like they have been wearing targets on their backs since their names appeared in a lawsuit filed in June.

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    A homegrown genocide

    The nutrition experiments conducted by the Canadian government on malnourished Native children are part of a long history of experiments in nation-breaking that continue to target children. Being open and honest about what was done to these children and their families is a first step in truth telling about our shared past.

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    A sacred journey for future generations

    The Stanley Mission walkers are trekking from northern Saskatchewan to Parliament Hill to defend lands and waterways against the Conservative government’s assault on the environment and the rights of Indigenous people.

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    The shittiest warrior

    Comedian Ryan McMahon delivers his reflections on racism and colonialism, all perfectly punctuated with hilarious bouts of fury.

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    Politics based on justice, diplomacy based on love

    Treaties are not about the cession of land but rather a commitment to stand with one another.

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    Innu not idle as Plan Nord advances

    As Pauline Marois’ Parti Québécois tries to repackage the Charest government’s neoliberal policies, resistance to the massive Plan Nord project is escalating among the northern Innu people and their allies. Even as band councils enter negotiations with the Canadian government, grassroots activists inspired by Idle No More are fighting for Indigenous autonomy and their traditional territories.

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    Defining who is Métis

    “I will never know exactly why and when my own family’s Métis history was buried; I only know that it was.”

  • Magazine

    Trespassers on their own land?

    Economic development based on resource extraction and other high- impact activities continues at the expense of traditional Indigenous land-based economies. While military, oil and gas, and uranium industry development in traditional Dene, Cree, and Métis territories offers some wage labour, it displaces traditional labour such as hunting, trapping, fishing, and gathering.