• Magazine

    Socializing and decolonizing Saskatchewan’s oil

    Could a new crown corporation – SaskOil – allow us to wind down the industry, get off oil, keep people employed, and repatriate land, resources, and decision-making to Indigenous peoples?

  • Online-only

    Who will publish eulogies for the victims of Barrick Gold?

    On Peter Munk’s dark legacy

  • Magazine

    The Honduran Election Crisis

    Canadian capital stands to benefit from the fraudulent election of a far right-wing government that has brought down the full force of the military on Hondurans – particularly on activists like Berta Cáceres.

  • Ken and Arlene Boon. Photo by Louis Bockner.

    Silencing Opposition of the Site C Dam

    Protesters of the Site C dam in the Peace River Valley are facing a civil suit from both BC Hydro and the B.C. government.

  • Magazine

    The Fishy Atlantic Fossil Fix

    Nature tourism won’t save Newfoundland and Labrador’s fishing industry from oil’s hegemony.

  • Magazine

    Moving Past Precarity

    The world of work has changed and the labour movement has to meet this challenge and move beyond it.

  • Magazine

    Postcards From the End of America

    What can a book portraying economic ruin in America teach us about Canada’s future?

  • Magazine

    Cannibal 150: Exposing the Canadian Windigo

    Indigenous peoples have been battling Windigo – a haunting, cannibalistic beast – for far longer than 150 years. Windigo is at the core of the Canadian government and society, and the best defence against it is Indigenous resurgence.

  • Magazine

    The Queer Film Festival Quandary

    Queer film festivals on the Canadian Prairies are being squeezed: facing scarce funding and pressures to grow, many are turning to big corporations for funding. But what happens to anti-oppressive queer politics when the purse strings are held by capitalist interests?

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Authors’ responses to the interventions and comments that emerged through the symposium

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Nicole Fabricant: What does the hyper-militarization of resource-based capitalism in the Andes and mean for social movements in the region, for Indigenous peoples, and for alternative socio-ecologies?

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Kyla Sankey: How do the authors invoke David Harvey’s concept of accumulation by dispossession?

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Simon Granovsky-Larsen argues that the greatest contribution of Blood of Extraction lies in the use of documents released through access to information requests in Canada.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Jerome Klassen on Blood of Extraction demonstrates how Canadian foreign policy in Latin America can be viewed in relation to global dynamics of economic, political, and military power.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    A six-part discussion on the contributions of the new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery Webber, Blood of Extraction.

  • Magazine

    Holding Out for Un-alienated Communication

    How should independent technologists and communicators respond to the corporatization of social media?

  • Magazine

    Who Controls the Climate Discourse?

    Do we have a problem imagining carbon neutrality?

  • Magazine

    Marx Was Right

    Marx predicted that capitalists will always try to push down wages and undercut working conditions. He was right, and the working class can push back if it builds power broadly and intersectionally.

  • Magazine

    Everything Goes Up But Pay

    Racialized women are at the forefront of labour’s most promising campaign.

  • Magazine

    Regression Analysis

    In Atlantic Canada, where a succession of corporate-compliant provincial governments have created an environment conducive to scabbing and receptive to the business lobby, workers are bargaining not with employers, but with fear, fragmentation, and poor prospects for a stable future of work.