• Morning at the Justice for Our Stolen Children Camp in Regina, Treaty 4 territory. Photo by David Gray-Donald.

    Camped out for Justice

    Colten Boushie. Tina Fontaine. Countless others. “Something’s gotta change. Something more than fake promises and words.”

  • Ani-poverty activists marching in Toronto holding colourful banners, including a large red banner that says

    A Thousand More Beds

    The homeless shelter system in Canada’s largest city is in crisis – but anti-poverty and housing activists are fighting the systemic abandonment of homeless people, and they’re winning important gains.

  • Magazine

    The Honduran Election Crisis

    Canadian capital stands to benefit from the fraudulent election of a far right-wing government that has brought down the full force of the military on Hondurans – particularly on activists like Berta Cáceres.

  • Magazine

    Young Muslims and the Federal Election

    As the federal election approaches, young Muslim Canadians are leading new initiatives to engage with electoral politics.

  • Magazine

    The Right to Remain Compliant

    On the combined impacts of bills C-51 and C-24.

  • Online-only

    The Responsibility to Act: An interview with Maude Barlow

    Maude Barlow stresses the need for broad mobilization from below in addition to voting to defeat the Harper government this fall.

  • Magazine

    “To Take the Land Away From the Children”

    The Klabona Keepers are a small group of Tahltan families and Elders in northwestern B.C. who have been taking direct action to defend their traditional territories from mining and drilling projects since 2005.

  • Magazine

    Daniel Ortega and the Interoceanic Grand Canal

    A planned megaproject that would dwarf the Panama Canal and split Nicaragua in two reveals much about both the Ortega regime and global capitalism today.

  • Magazine

    The Struggle for Access to Abortion Today

    Abortion is a safe, legal, and common medical procedure, but in the Maritimes and in northern and rural communities across Canada, there are major barriers to access.

  • Magazine

    Drug War Capitalism

    Anyone seeking to understand capitalism’s evolving capacity to consolidate and extend its power must come to terms with the drug war.

  • Online-only

    Standing up for Medicare: An interview with Harry Leslie Smith

    Harry Leslie Smith lived through the Great Depression and WWII and he’s touring across Canada asking people to stand up for socialized medicine.

  • Magazine

    Beyond Holding Your Nose

    What a politician is willing to do is never as important as what we can do together when we organize.

  • Magazine

    Regulatory Snarls for Small-scale Farmers

    Consumers and foodies are clamouring for ethical local foods, but some farmers are in a pickle just trying to get their goods to market.

  • Online-only

    A note to Alberta’s grassroots about NDP governments

    Alberta’s grassroots must carve out critical distance from the NDP.

  • Online-only

    Election Day in Alberta – and Beyond

    Electoral politics and grassroots movement building are often at odds; significant change in Alberta will hinge on independent organizing.

  • Magazine

    Harperism: Think Tanks, Media, and the Conventional Wisdom

    On Canada’s neoliberal nexus of think tanks, media, and government.

  • Online-only

    Stolen Sisters, Sex Workers, and Conservative Saviours

    The Conservative government’s rhetoric on missing and murdered Indigenous women and sex workers creates victims in order to silence women.

  • Online-only

    What is to be done about the Ontario NDP?

    Evaluating the provincial election and what’s next for Ontario’s left.

  • Magazine

    The Peoples’ Social Forum

    What is the historic gathering of activists and organizers meant to achieve?

  • Online-only

    The scandal of immigration detention

    The injustice of immigration detention is a national disgrace.