• A woman in a wheelchair with dark skin and curly black hair is in the foreground, wearing dark clothes and holding a sign that reads

    Terry Fox, the Freedom Convoy, and disability politics

    Terry Fox is the most famous disabled person in Canadian history, a figure who “united the country” during his cross-country marathon. Now, Fox’s iconography is being used to support the Freedom Convoy’s anti-vaccine, anti-mask agenda. What kind of unity does Fox really represent?

  • Online-only

    Can you do good work in Indigenous communities with bad money?

    When settler non-profits take bad money and attempt to use it to do good things in Indigenous communities, they reduce reconciliation to something imagined and managed by settler governments, non-profits, and corporations.

  • Magazine

    “This is not charity, this is solidarity”

    Resource Movement asks – earnestly – how can a group of rich kids help advance social justice movements?

  • Magazine

    How will we pay for a just transition?

    Should we rely on governments to provide money for the just transition, or can we build our own non-extractive economies?