• Magazine

    “Do it for yourself, your people, and your land”

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 13th annual Writing in the Margins contest: Helen Knott, Juliane Okot Bitek, and Kevin Settee.

  • Online-only


    the Similkameen they say are the strong
    the frayed the twisted, the worn, we feel that

  • Magazine


    We song our stories – put them to a beat, draw the melancholy out of them, voices like droplets squeezed out of a braided dish rag on an open balcony.

  • Three portraits are side-by-side. Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, a Palestinian woman, is standing in front of a blurred city landscape. She is wearing a black ribbed v-neck sweater and her long, black hair is tied back in a sleek ponytail. She has a small gold nose ring on her left nostril and she's wearing eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. Jessica Johns, a light-skinned Cree woman, stands in front of a blurred fall backdrop and is looking straight at the camera. She has shoulder-length, wavy, light brown hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a navy blue collared jumpsuit accessorized with a black leather bolo tie with silver embellishments. She has a silver, triangular septum piercing and colourful tattoos of plants on her left arm.  Randy Lundy, a Cree man, is tilting his head to the right. He has short, black, recently buzzed hair, brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face. He is wearing a grey t-shirt. In the background is a clear blue sky, trees, and a wooden fence.

    “We inhabit a land; the land inhabits us”

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 12th annual Writing In The Margins contest: Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, Jessica Johns, and Randy Lundy.

  • A photography of a crowd from above, listening to someone speak through a megaphone. One member of the crowd holds a sign that says

    radiant incipience

    the revolution will need savvy / party planners, capable / of seeing / how the carnival’s already here.

  • Magazine

    physics lessons for settlers

    nowhere is a prison / is a psych ward / is a suicide / is a death / from ‘natural causes’ is a mass grave

  • Online-only

    Indigo sun

    granny’s voice cracks when she calls. “when you coming home baby?” i am burrowed in darkness to be reborn. fingers stained ink indigo, daddy’s prison letter is scratched on paper like he already faded into the massive metal mouth that consumed him before we met.

  • Online-only

    brief and brazen - homo######philia in #########

    Best of Regina winner of the 2021 Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Sask Dispatch

    When Board Meetings Are Not Enough: A Poem for Abolition

    At a recent city council meeting where Saskatoon approved millions more in funding for the Saskatoon Police Service, Erica Violet Lee was the only one who spoke against the increase. Rather than trying to convince those whose minds had already been made, she read a poem she had written in honour of Neil Stonechild, Kimberly Squirrel, and all the others whose lives have been stolen by colonial and carceral violence in Saskatoon.

  • Online-only

    Amber Dawn, jaye simpson, and Jeff Bierk on ethics, futures, and rejection in art

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 11th annual Writing In The Margins contest.

  • Online-only

    a simile is more honest than a metaphor thank you no questions at this time

    suffering isn’t bravery those two things are different let someone / say it. to absorb an injustice because you need to to survive’s / not courage don’t let them say that.

  • Magazine


    Deeper than oceans, channels twice removed / from their native basins. This blood is thicker / than the St. Lawrence, quicker / than the Demerara, sicker / than the Ganges.

  • Magazine

    Art against colonialism

    An interview with the judges of Briarpatch’s 10th annual Writing In The Margins contest: Larissa Lai, Pat Kane, and Sonnet L’Abbé.

  • Magazine


    “if word of such devices spreads, / and more than word, / it may not be just capital that overcomes / the hardened borders of the future capital’s / intent that most of us won’t see.” Poetry runner-up of the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine


    “you bear their names like heavy robes. say it. / bind your waist in white ribbon. history’s seams / are tearing. you learned violence as the sweetest love / but you learned from the wrong people.“ Poetry winner of the Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Sask Dispatch Briefs

    A letter to the editor (albeit in rhyme)

    One hundred and thirty-one days is a very long time – the members are for you every step of the way. We believe in the Co-op, and what you say: with equal work comes equal pay.

  • Magazine


    In this world, a world where many worlds coexist, there would be no forced migration, no mass extinction.

  • Magazine

    “To create other worlds inside this one”

    An interview with Writing in the Margins judges Gwen Benaway, Alicia Elliott, and Jalani Morgan

  • Magazine

    Process of depression

    In 2016, Nicholas Dinardo was arrested and sent to remand at the Regina Correctional Centre. After remaining in segregation for most of the last year, he wrote this poem.

  • Magazine

    Geography Lessons

    “She points, / here’s Canada, here’s home, caught in a ganglion / of lakes. Our cupped hands cradle continents in turn.” Poetry winner of the 2017 Writing in the Margins contest