• Magazine

    Who is the NDP for?

    Rule changes, hostile colleagues, and a lack of democracy – Anjali Appadurai, Kaitlyn Harvey, and Navjot Kaur share their experiences organizing and running with the NDP.

  • Online-only

    Women Winning Office: The limits of electoral strategy

    In her new book “Women Winning Office,” Peggy Nash argues that it’s critical for women to hold positions of power. But as Misha Falk writes, representation doesn’t equate to a more just society.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A symbolic step”: group calls on city of Regina to rename Dewdney Avenue

    As Indian Commissioner and lieutenant governor of Saskatchewan, Edgar Dewdney left a legacy of colonial violence and trauma on the Prairies. Now some have joined together in a campaign to remove his name from one of Regina’s busiest streets.

  • Magazine

    When we built the walls

    Through handshakes behind closed doors, with refugees as commodities and borders as bargaining chips, our migration system is crumbling

  • Online-only

    Dear Erin Weir, what are you doing?

    Doubling down in the face of harassment allegations isn’t helping anyone.

  • Online-only

    Thomas Mulcair should drop acid

    I know it sounds desperate, but a hallucination or two might open up his mind a bit. Perhaps he’ll realize that he who plays good cop forges his own hand cuffs.

  • Magazine

    Letter from the editor

    Briarpatch has always been a labour of love, the key to its unlikely success, as past editor Dave Mitchell notes. “It consistently leads with the heart, and so it’s able to produce quality journalism with a tragic fraction of the masthead depth of most publications.”

  • Magazine

    Innu not idle as Plan Nord advances

    As Pauline Marois’ Parti Québécois tries to repackage the Charest government’s neoliberal policies, resistance to the massive Plan Nord project is escalating among the northern Innu people and their allies. Even as band councils enter negotiations with the Canadian government, grassroots activists inspired by Idle No More are fighting for Indigenous autonomy and their traditional territories.

  • Magazine

    Who’s got their eyes on Canada’s spies?

    Even with the recommended oversight, CSIS has not proven immune to abuses of power and the law.

  • Magazine

    Revitalizing the Canadian labour movement

    Rethinking the politics of labour in Canada offers a sombre yet honest analysis of the current situation of labour politics