• Magazine

    A progressive response to transport costs must undo “the social ideology of the motorcar”

    Mobility is not just how we get from A to B; it is about social justice and health, housing and democracy, and the climate crisis.

  • Online-only

    From the plantation to the prison

    Ohio’s reliance on for-profit prisons shows that slavery has never ended in America. Prisons have always been about herding, investing in, and marketing chattel for a profit.

  • Magazine

    Prisons are built on our backs

    The colonial economics of incarceration

  • Sask Dispatch

    Selling off Saskatchewan

    A coalition of agricultural, environmental, and Indigenous organizations are calling on the Government of Saskatchewan to put an end to the privatization of Crown land, calling it a “hidden tragedy” for native prairies.

  • Magazine

    The slow crisis in Saskatchewan’s long-term care

    Though 80 per cent of Canada’s COVID deaths have happened in long-term care homes, Saskatchewan has fared better than the Canadian average. It was thanks, in part, to its relatively robust system of publicly owned homes. But in recent decades, cracks have begun showing in that system.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Three times P3s screwed over Saskatchewan

    As Saskatchewan shows, when you allow private companies to make bank on the backs of the public, it’s the people who pay.

  • Magazine

    The city vs. Big Tech

    Activists kicked Amazon’s HQ2 out of New York City. They ran Google’s new campus out of Berlin. Now, in Toronto, #BlockSidewalk wants to send Google – and their new “smart city” – packing. The battle against Big Tech is emerging as the new front in the fight for the right to the city.

  • Magazine

    Land and Reconciliation

    Philip Brass of Peepeekisis First Nation explains the impact of Saskatchewan Party’s decision to auction off Crown land.

  • Magazine

    Postcards From the End of America

    What can a book portraying economic ruin in America teach us about Canada’s future?

  • Online-only

    The End of the Line

    The government ditched the STC without lining up alternatives, counting on private companies to step up. This isn’t how it went for other Crown sales.

  • Magazine

    The Luxury of Air

    The liberalization of China’s economy has widened the gap between rich and poor, rendering clean air and clean water a privatized luxury.

  • Magazine

    To Profit from Prisons

    The worker response to the Saskatchewan Party’s piecemeal approach to dismantling the public sector.